Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Church Welcome Greetings For Programs

Tribute to Brokeback Mountain DVD: An emotional journey

photo © Copyright 2006 UNLB
It is amazing how this movie was a true gift, for Americans in 2005, and 2006 for the Europeans and the rest of the world, so that we s'émeuve yet its impact. The phenomenon will soon be studied by sociologists who have at heart to observe the evolution of our contemporary society ...
Despite the drama of history, despite staging a love made impossible by social pressure and 'psychological unpreparedness of certain beings, namely the character of Ennis del Mar, and a strange alchemy, the film, like the new Annie Proulx which it is drawn, is an amazing gift to the human soul.
Is it a collective psychoanalysis? Is this the same feeling when we leave reassured by a visit to a doctor beneficial or caregiver? Is it an awareness by many individuals, almost simultaneously, which many fear, unspoken, domestic dramas are shared by many? Is it an awareness that extra twenty-first century, finally, ways of life and sexual orientation need to be accepted and not just tolerated, thus constituting a wave of hope and accomplishment? Without doubt all these phenomena at once.

The time has come for Europeans, with the release of the DVD, you can replay the movie in the domestic and private, which gives the "encounter" with this film a higher dimension with greater ability listening and attention.

What brilliant homage to nature with delicacy made by Ang Lee. It portrays a scene, a context. This context is crucial the scope of history and intimacy: the countryside is a permissive space, unlike the social space that is codified and binding. Ang Lee, with great finesse, has paid particular attention this introduction, the quality of photography and processing of the beautiful scenery. The beauty of nature magnified by the eye of the director becomes a muse inspiring and liberating. And with Beauty in action, up to Eros. What
subtle use of silence, silences, pauses during which Santaolalla's music may produce its effects. What a brilliant lesson in the use of silence and music audiovisual creation in the service of human understanding, the highs and lows of the human soul in the service of respect and attention that must be paid to the individual, his privacy, his choice in his life.

It could be a period film, it is in fact an act of humanism. And that humanism transforms the film and gives it remarkable echo.

© Copyright 2006 Bruno Stephen


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