Monday, August 25, 2008

Price Of A Topsy Turvy Cake?



"said Rabbi: What is the right path that man must choose? All path which can boast one who takes it, and for which he is honored by other men. (Chapter 2, Mishna 1)

Rebbe was born in 3880, fifty-two years after the destruction of the Temple .
He was descended from Hillel, his father was the tribe of Benjamin and mother of the royal family of David.
was when the Tana Rabbi Akiva was tortured by the Romans.

Rabbit was born precisely at the time, Rabbi Akiva Mourrut. And the Gemara (Kedouchine) tells us here that "When Rabbi Aquiva died, Rabbi came into the world ... To teach a tzadik
not leave this world without showing another just like him.
rabbi was the last major Tanayim. His contemporaries revered and admired very much. They called him Rabbi or Rabbeinu because it was wiser and more erudite than anyone. It also gave him the name "Rabbeinu Akadoche.

Rabbi for the Jewish people was the seventh day. Just as happens when Shabbat comes the rest, and peace was assured when Rabbi Israel became Nassi (President). It was very respected and appreciated by the governor of Rome and a strong friendship struck up among them.

Rabbi attended an early age, the great tzaddikim of his time, and from them he received his training. His most famous masters were:

1. Rabbi Shimon Ben Gamliel, his father
2. Rabbi Yehuda Ben Ilaya
3. Rabbi Meir
4. Rabbi Shimon Ben Yohai
5. Rabbi Ben Yossei 'Halafta
6. Rabbi Elazar Ben Chamoua
7. Rabbi Yehoshua Ben Qor'haRabbi

latter possessed both the Torah, the wisdom and greatness (power). Nothing prevented him thus to engage in this enormous task, and he accepted the sacred trust to write his colossal work which, as we know classified into six treaties:

Zerayim, Moed, Nashim, Nezikim, Kodachim , Teharoth.

It Beith Shearim he moved to dedicate themselves fully to this work.
And falling ill that he went to Zippori where he remained seventeen years. Rabbi
had three son:

- Rabban Gamliel, who succeeded him and was Nassi;
- Rabbi Shimon he dubbed Chacham;
- which came alive Yaabets in Gan Eden. He also had two daughters: One was the wife of Ben El'assa and the other that the little son of Rabbi Tarfon.

From his youth, Judah enjoyed the esteem of the great masters, so that his father, in his modesty, described him as the son of lion fox (Baba Metsia 84b). Eager to know the young man went from one school to another, to learn about different teaching methods practiced by the masters. Those to whom he owed much of his knowledge were Rabbi Simeon Bar Yohai and Rabbi Elazar Ben Chamouâ. He enjoyed perhaps education Rabbi Meir, or at least one of his students. When Rabbi

succeeded his father in the dignity of Prince, began the most glorious period of the Diaspora. The Scripture relates that Rivka, the mother of Esau and Yaakov, was, in his distress, and ask Hashem had an answer: "Two nations are in thy womb". Sages link to this expression "two peoples" the prophecy that two men, above all those of their time, arise one day and think it was Rabbi Yaacov down, and Antonin, descending Esau. The bonds of friendship most affectionate united the two men. With the support of the Roman emperor, Rabbi could get peace and comfort to his people were conferred, while he had himself in favor of the emperor to be filled with riches. He lived for his people and to the Holy Word of Gd. He studied and taught day and night without respite. He gathered around him the country's educated and devoted himself to study with them. On all sides flocked to Syphoris, his home, zealous student, and Rabbi fed them. During the lean years, he opened his cash reserves as well as its food storehouses and distributed to all the hungry, the ignorant as to scholars. He was concerned about the education of children, especially those of orphans and abandoned entrusted to educators whose mission was to make them honest men and good.

Rabbi Akiva had already felt the need to systematically establish the Oral Law, and she wrote a first attempt at bringing the "Mishnah of Rabbi Akiva." His student Rabbi Meir, had continued his work. This compilation was the basis for his book Rabbi. With the help of his colleagues, his son and of his disciples, and he classified the vast field of tria's study examined, connecting different points, pulled some texts and ordered the entire Oral Law into six parts, arranged systematically. The first part contains all the divine commandments that relate to agriculture and its products, including the blessing of bread and fruit, as well as requirements on the service and prayers in common. The second part contains the teachings on the Sabbath and holidays, and all matters pertaining thereto. The third part teaches us about marriage, divorce, vows. The fourth part contains the entire case Jewish, the requirements for civil and criminal trials, the establishment of courts, etc.. The fifth part, we learned about the sacrifices in the Beis Hamikdash, and on foods allowed and defended, and all matters pertaining thereto. Part six, finally, is devoted to the requirements on purity and impurity, clothing, diseases, and those attending the baths of purification, the purity to be observed in married life and everything in it relates.

Thus was classified and presented the entire contents of the Oral Law so that one could easily become acquainted. Which hitherto had been informed and an immense mass of disparate and special requirements, became an organized whole, where each problem is naturally found its rightful place.

Rabbi possessed all the qualities to assume this enormous task: the most scrupulous respect of the texts, the critical capacity to reject doctrines that did not win the consent of the Halakha and the necessary respect for decisions of ancient authorities. hessedvedavid


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