Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Model Of A Saddle Joint

the ordinary course of things by Jean Louis Murat

For the release of his latest opus The ordinary course of events recorded in Nashville, Jean Louis Murat sang songs Album front of a privileged few at Studio Davout followed by a discussion over a drink. Summary of the case.

Surviving Disaster ambient to the goods which destroys, defaces, destroys the world, relations ? Love can save our souls? Why Does God remains deaf to our complaints and our prayers? In this long corridor is existence, witness for the living and the dead are watching suffering. Murat took the party. Poetry is his sacrament, his home port, its purpose ... It helps to live, to survive. "Singing is a way of being in the world, Singing is my way of loving (...), Singing is my way of wandering." As Novalis, Murat wrote to curl up in the world of the night hoping to suffer less.
outset, Murat displays some sympathy for the devil - "The ordinary course of things fits me like a fire" - but may be should we pass through there to ward off "this makes the false, the slurry of ideals, where everything makes fools ..." This land where "Satan veiled , came to visit the exhibit. " Love will be there this potion, our salvation - "Falling in love again? But this is not an illusion "Love too good, because after all Some case we take heart, We love more love." Murat then takes a face ronsardien "Amours go, loves coming up, spin our joys, our effusions, all there stands in the sun, all suddenly ran away." Cute whether the Blue Tit , Lady Orcival or Ginette Ramade are God and death. It is in this pure ecstasy Bataille identity, cursed, no doubt. The easing is to come, "We prayed, we Restores the blue (...) Give us back the sap, give us joy." This prayer is inaudible because "Who wants to hear that." Murat believes he saw why.

The refrain is not easy, at Murat, and is thoughtful, composed, intelligent. He did not denounce a world in crisis, do not rent the social struggles to hire or to take liberties. He saw the Apocalypse as poets, as a malaise. We are far from ready to be heard rhymes, or those that whistles that sputters like slogans. We share pain, hers, ours. We exorcise our demons, our daily lives. Murat is against the grain, against the current and is what we love. This album is it permeates, it extends it. He eventually we obsess. It enlightens us. The lyrics to meet, form an organic whole. There is correspondence!

go further. " The songs were written, then came the desire to save elsewhere. This also ", it was Nashville, where his sister (the sound engineer, Aymeric Létoquart), Murat was installed. Why Nashville, the city of Grand Ole Opry, cowboy Gene Autry and Roy Rogers, rockabilly, Willie Nelson and Dolly Parton? " musicians fled New York after Sept. 11 and LA where rap reign supreme. They are all in Nashville, which has nearly 200 recording studios. "
After this, comes the question of frenchie the country music industry, the real, the hegemonic and his little self. Can you send a universe so close to professional musicians terrain? JL Murat played his own songs in front of them and "they understood immediately . No need for words, the musicians feel, is rather naturally. "Two taken were sufficient for each song " things came easily: " they had left their egos at the door and they entered the studio in my music. " And the haunted, the universe intimate and precious, they know. Most of them play behind Neil Young, Linda Ronstadt, Dire Straits, James Taylor ...
That moment was a joy for a boy who hates the poses, the pretensions, prejudices. Humility the generosity of the musicians were deeply touched " they did not hesitate to go back to refine a bass line, clear a guitar ... taken between two others."

What is surprising is that the universe of Murat has not been altered, distorted. Instead, as he said, said. The author has avoided all the pitfalls of alien registration. That we will seek to revive a career. Here, it is not. The music is integral to the texts, neither American nor European, just muratienne.

The photo is often the friend of the journalist, author, and his spare tire. Murat, the bear's uncontrollable person who sends crap, who does not play their game But that night, he just came to us. Shy at first. For play, then talk to a dozen strangers, but also lay bare. Is to risk receiving a word, a look that hurt you. But Murat was open, unvarnished, without backup. He sincerely delivered, he spoke of his report to the songs, music, friends (Aymeric, Laetitia Masson, Stéphane Prin, Christophe Dupouy ...) without which "there not happen, it would not ", his fatigue play certain media, their misunderstanding of the artists ("you wait for hours in a broom closet next to the crapper and we you to stand out stupid questions "). It was there, standing before us. Casual, serious, generous. Human.

the ordinary course of events risk of invisibility in this musical back thick, which would be most unfortunate. It will probably a few radios, serious. Appear on TVs, smart. Hopefully. Be printed in the press; apparently, journalists rushed. Anyway, this album is not to be missed. It must taste, taste. His spell is good, it makes it grow like a long poem sick and happy at the same time.


the ordinary course of things (V2/Universal) - album release September 21, 2009.
Like a Fire - Falling in love again - Mr Doom - Singing is my way of wandering - Lady of Orcival - 16:00 What are you doing? - The blue tit - Ginette Ramade - Like a cowboy's soul fresh - Golden Rod - Taiga.

Recorded at Ocean Way Studio in Nashville

See also:
Dubuc's blog: One evening, Jean-Louis Murat ...
Link Defeated: Studio Davout, Thursday, September 3
JLMurat.com ( official website )


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