Saturday, July 26, 2008

Broken Capillaries In The Breast

: last film appearance Batman in "The Dark Knight" in July 2008

photos © Copyright 2008 UNLB

Heath Ledger was in his highly anticipated appearance in the role of the Joker in The Dark Knight . What about in July 2008 in Los Angeles theaters?

A cinematic experience in the world capital of the genre is fading these sensations in French cinemas ... Art-Deco decor Mann Village in Westwood neighborhood of Los Angeles between Beverly Hills and Santa Monica, reception quality, large screen, high definition projection, THX sound to shake the walls, enthusiastic audience: ready for takeoff!
The landing is more painful ... The film is a rare and unusually violent darkness, the promise of the title is well respected. Sensitive souls refrain: we must appeal to a younger audience which, a priori, enjoys such feats on the screen (is this really true?).
A remarkable achievement, absolutely virtuoso, a photograph premium (the views down to Chicago and Hong Kong, mythical symbols THE contemporary city, perfect representations of the imaginary city Gotham City), chases and other flights in the air to breath ... the service of a simplistic scenario that does not fly brains. After about 2:30
down in his seat, virtually terrorized and beaten by music as black as the image, one begins to wonder to be in summer: you look at the bright blue sky spangled with astonishment, one dream an ice cream, juice of fresh fruit and a warm dinner between Friends ...
For as some 100% cocoa chocolate, black is black!
When one thinks of the beauty of this young actor Heath Ledger will be forever, and the last witness, certainly unintentional, that it makes this film, one gets scared.
Forgotten freshness, her youth, her heightened sensitivity. We retain its passage in The Dark Knight , a remarkable performance behind a mask of anti-grinning clown who ignores his physical. Heath Ledger gives the Joker character black unparalleled madness: when his tongue out surreptitiously from her mouth to lick his lips reddened one shudders. It embodies the vice, deviance and evil with virtuosity.
But this role for which Heath Ledger has seen fit to spend two nights sleep, keeping his clothes and hair greasy, so he deserved, until his death accidental? Heavens no! To think ...
At 28, probably with a background of persistent immaturity, Heath Ledger did not have it be a coach that could calm his immoderate zeal to work? Apparently not. What are these super-productions with budgets exceeding $ 200 million? Nothing. Is this entertainment? Not even, just watched the film you have to drink to forget. When will the end of the film noir visions hopeless? It seems so far have spent years accumulating these kinds of movies.
So for those who aspire to a maximum of humanity, hope and sharing, keep in mind the Heath Ledger Brokeback Mountain .
At the end of the screening of The Dark Knight at Mann Village, the audience applauded the appearance of Heath Ledger's name in the credits: probably for the wrong reasons immediate link to his excellent performance, but certainly better more secret reasons that are moving memories he leaves him.

© Copyright 2008 Stephen Bruno, live from Los Angeles

Friday, July 25, 2008

Can Shingles Make Men Infertile


PHOTO 1 - 2

Louis Isidore Kahn
is considered one of the greatest architects of the twentieth century.

"That's a good question. I have learned over time that a good question is more important than the most brilliant response. This is the issue of non-measurable and measurable. Nature, the physical is measurable. The feeling and the dream did not measure, no language, and the dream of everyone is singular. "

" Even a piece that should be dark need at least a small slot that will make account of its obscurity. But now the architects who draw parts have forgotten their faith in natural light. Subject to the ease of a switch, they are satisfied with a static light and forget the infinite qualities of natural light thanks to a room which is different every second of the day. "

Nationality: American
Birth: February 20, 1901
Died: March 17, 1974

Born on the Estonian island of Osel (now Saaremaa), Louis Isidore Kahn arrives to four years in the suburb of Philadelphia , and became naturalized American at the age of thirteen. With his aptitude for drawing and piano, he won a scholarship to undertake studies in architecture at the University of Pennsylvania. On leaving, he worked for the French designer Paul Cret (1929-1930), and then at Zantzinger, Drinking and Medary (1930-1932). For some

years, Louis Kahn's trip to Europe and then decided to open its branch in Philadelphia in 1937 (the early 1940s, he partnered with two European immigrants George and Oscar Howe Stonorov). At the same time, he became a consultant to the Philadelphia Housing Authority and the United States Housing Authority. From the 1940s he embarked on construction projects such as subdivisions of Carver Court (1941-1944, Coatesville, Pa.), Pennypacker Woods (1941-1943, Philadelphia) and Mill Creek Housing (1951 to 1963, Philadelphia). In 1947 he began a brilliant career at Yale University, then continued his teaching University of Pennsylvania (1957-1974). It looks at the ancient architecture (especially Egyptian) and reintroduced axial planes.

Louis Kahn believes in the development of industrial society in the social mission of architecture and promotes the international style. Its contemporary architecture and monumental advocates almost exclusively as the concrete forms and simple compositions. The steel frame does not seem to offer real walls (the substructure disappearing under the fire-resistant coatings). Only the brick is sometimes used to hide some parts in concrete. With reference to Le Corbusier, Louis Kahn believes that the layout of spaces is paramount; the harmony of the body should not be disruptive.

During his twenty-five years of life, Louis Kahn built his most significant buildings (religious buildings, exhibition spaces, government buildings) in the U.S. and Asia. One of the most compelling is the complex of the Salk Institute (1959-1965, La Jolla), it consists of two wings defining an axis against the powerful Pacific Ocean. The workrooms are not broken, the stairs (as well as service rooms and offices) are grafted into arranged cells forward. In 1962, Louis Kahn receives its biggest order as the Government of Bangladesh: the complex of Sher-e Bangla Nagar, Dhaka. In 1971, he was admitted to the American Academy of Arts and Letters.
Arts fluctuat

It will accomplish this miracle: the National Assembly of Bangladesh designed by an architect of the Jewish faith to a Muslim country! He died suddenly of a heart attack in the toilets of a station in New York.

the night of March 17, 1974, a man was found dying in the men's room of Pennsylvannia Station by three policemen. He died within minutes following and will remain three days at the morgue before being identified, it had dropped from his hand his address. One of the greatest architects of the twentieth century had died of a heart attack as the most miserable archicool

View'm on record: Brutalism

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Difference Between Perennialism And Essentialism



May we live announcement
Eliyahu Hanavi the imminent arrival of Moshiach
, which will permanently end our exile.

Elijah resurrects the widow's son of Sarepta
Gustave Dore

Prophet of Israel from the ninth century before our era

In the book of Kings we read: Elijah said to Elisha: "Expresses me your wish, what can I do for you before I am taken ? "... They went on their way conversation, when suddenly a fiery chariot drawn by horses of fire separated them from each other and Elijah ascended to heaven in a whirlwind

Let us put his time Ahab son of Omri was a great king, but by his marriage with Jezebel daughter of King Tsidon, he ran the kingdom of Israel into idolatry
The main opponent of the king was the prophet Elijah: their clashes were dramatic and often more than once the prophet was forced to flee from the wrath of Ahab and Israel.
On Mount Caramel Elijah provoked a confrontation with the 450 priests of Baal and brought out to light the power of Dr. Israel.

report the event:
The drought has been raging for three years. OF Elijah then ordered to return to Ahab to announce that the rain would fall again on the country. When she arrived with Ahab, the latter received him with these words: "Here you are scourge of Israel." But do Eliyahu not allow himself to disturb - The scourge of Israel this is not me, but you and your family, you who have forsaken the commandments of D 'to follow Baal - But I'm here for another purpose: "Gather the people on Mount Caramel and convene the 450 priests of Baal and 400 prophets of Asherah maintained by Jezebel.

Ahab summoned the people and priests on Caramel. Eliyahu asked the priests of Baal to begin. They killed a bull, the dépecèrent, placed him on an altar and cried to Baal from morning until noon, but in vain they danced before the altar. Elijah mocked them: "Call louder," he said, Baal may have concerns or business deal, perhaps he is traveling or sleep there, he wakes up "The priests of Baal continued incantations. They taillardèrent the flesh, according to their custom, until the hour of the evening sacrifice.

Then Eliyahu said to approach the people, he straightened the altar of D 'that was destroyed, taking twelve stones, according to the number of the tribes of Israel. He placed the wood and the bull, cut into pieces, was completed three times four jugs of water and poured them on the altar until the water overflowed and filled the trough dug around the altar. The Prophet then prayed
D ': "Lord of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, must be known today that you are D' in Israel that I am your servant and that your order, I have accomplished all this. Hear me Lord Hear me, that this people may know that you Lord D '.

At these words, the celestial fire burst forth, devouring both the holocaust, wood, altar and water. The people fell to their knees and cried: "the eternal IS THAT IS - IS the eternal WHICH IS "Then rushing on pagan prophets, the people led them to the torrent of Kichon and put to death. forum

But who is Eliyahu Hanavi! By Yona
Rabbi of Cagnes sur Mer, Collelman

At each end of Shabbat, the faithful gather around the rabbi who is preparing to make Havdalah and all members of the house gather around the father family, and all joyfully sing in chorus: "Eliyahu Hanavi, Eliyahu Hanavi, Eliyahu Hanavi, Biméra Yavo Elénou im Mashiach Ben David." Translation: "Eliyahu Hanavi (b) come to us quickly the Messiah son of David. " The prophet
Eliahou1 is so steeped in tradition as the prophet who will announce the coming of the Messiah. All kinds of stories circulating on the famous character, the testimony of Wise or laymen who have received assistance are legions
... ... Why such enthusiasm for the Prophet?
In the First Book of Kings, Eliyahu Hanavi is presented simply as "the Tichbite Eliyahu, one of those who settled in Gilad." Rashi explains that it is so called because from a region called "Toshev. It
is therefore impossible to determine the tribe Eliyahu based solely on the text. Two sources indicate
Midrashic also two different versions as to its origin. One says that it is the tribe of Binyamin3. The other announces dramatically, "Eliyahu Pinchas it! The
Ralbag (14th century) and Abrabanel (15th century), two major Bible commentators, both demonstrate the truth of that assertion.
Consider the main points of their explanations:
- Chronologically, Eliyahu Pinchas and can they be the same person?
It is said about Pinchas qu'Ha-Chem concluded with him a "covenant of peace." And it is stated in Malachi the benefit of this alliance: "My covenant with him was a sign of life and peace" 6. Pinchas has received a "life"
extra, that is to say an extended lifespan.
Other sources corroborate this interpretation, since Pinchas found alive, many years later, tribes from acting as a mediator when disputes arise between them. Finally, at the time of David, almost 400 years after the onset of Pinchas Ben Elazar
in the Desert, it is mentioned in the Book of Chronicles as a troop leader of Bnei Israel!
From the detailed study of individual books of the Bible, there would be no objection to the statement above timeline of our sages: "Eliyahu Pinchas it." Since Pinchas enjoyed a longer life than normal
through the "Peace Alliance" that contracted with Ha-Shem, it is quite possible that he lived until the time of the Kings, when Elijah lived.
- Eliyahu How could it "back from the dead" to contact the living?
The text of the Second Book of Kings shows qu'Eliahou not die like other men. He did not die before being buried, but Ha-Shem took him up to heaven in a tourbillon9. Later, when qu'Eliahou is supposed to have disappeared from this world, a letter written on his hand reaches the King of Judah Ben Yéoram Yéochafat, to announce a calamity following the misdirection of his reign. The
Ralbag firmly demonstrates that prediction came true-that-could not be written during the lifetime of Eliyahu Hanavi, for the King Yéoram was not yet on the throne. But a prophet can not predict the punishment for the misconduct of a person before it does commit, because it would undermine a foundation of the Torah: the principle of Free Will!
Therefore, it would be wrong to say qu'Eliahou Hanavi "back from the dead to speak to the living," since it is not really dead! But what merit
Eliyahu can claim to enjoy this incredible? Rabbi Elie Munk
in The Voice of Torah explains qu'Eliahou-as-Pinchas has perfectly combined his zeal for Ha-Shem, he gave vent to several times with his love of Israel. Indeed, when the Bnei Israel turned from God by serving the idolatrous worship of Baal, he did not hesitate to defy the false prophets of this Avodah Zara and then to enforce them to permanently destroy the evil. But let's not forget that this zealot is the same as that begged Ha-Shem, some time ago, to make it back to life the son of a widow in distress ...
... "And it is this role qu'Eliahou assume at the end of time
as a precursor of the Messiah, bringing the hearts of children
those of their parents. "(Rabbi Munk).


Elijah arose, a prophet like fire,
His word, like a torch burning.
He sent against them the famine.
For his zeal he diminished their number.
By the word of the Lord, he closed the sky.
Similarly, it took three times down the fire.
As you were glorious, Elijah, by thy wonders
Who could claim to be like you?
You who did raise a corpse from death,
of Hades, by the word of the Most High.
You who hurled into ruin kings, glorious
men out of their beds.
you who heard the criticism at Sinai, at Horeb
decrees punishment
Thou sacred kings for retribution,
prophets to be your successors.
You who were abducted in the whirlwind of fire,
in the chariot horses of fire.
You who were appointed in time for blame,
to appease the anger fury before,
to bring the heart of the father to the son,
to restore the tribes of Israel.

saw you in love and fell asleep!
As surely as we live! "

Ben Sira (48.1 to 11)

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Women Doing A Gallon Of Milk A Day



A majority of the idea creation of a Jewish state there was the alternative proposed by Judah Magnes for a binational state

Magnes is virtually forgotten outside of university presses that bear his name. Glory be to this great figure of Zionism! We
read with passion all the discussions that preceded the creation of the State of Israel
Do not let the enemies of Israel the task of recovering these great figures as Jewish Hugo Bergmann and many others who are Honor the Jewish people, even if the story does not give them reason.

Born in San Francisco, California, July 5, 1877
Died in New York, New York, October 27, 1948.

Judah Magnes was the first chancellor of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem between 1925 and 1935. After a decade the post of Chancellor, Magnes could draw several conclusions from its course. He left an institution of 450 students, 90 teachers some of whom were refugees, different faculties Humanities and headed by a university senate. When the office of Chancellor is abolished and Judah Magnes became president, he used that position to call for the reorganization of Zionist goals because he feared a takeover by the State University cat inist

The foundation of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 1925
Dr. Magnes, who was also one of the founders of Brit Shalom - an advocate of peace and brotherhood between Jews and Palestinian Arabs - invited representatives from Arab countries and leaders Arabs to attend the inauguration ceremony, asking even one of them to deliver a speech. Under his influence, the Jewish National Committee issued a Proclamation of Palestine to the Arab people introduced by these words: [It's] a national holiday, a cultural event for us: the opening day of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. We hope that this day is celebrated across the country. Particularly welcome among us will be members of the Arab nation that will join us in Jerusalem, the temple of science
mfa gov

Haaretz "published for the first time extracts from diaries of Judah Leon Magnes, the Zionist leader who sought to obstruct the creation of the state.

save Jews themselves AlterInfo

Ofri Ilan

Haaretz, May 5, 2008

The medical examination conducted by Dr. Judah Leon Magnes Ehrenfels on, the president of the Hebrew University, had showed that his health was still fragile balance. Date: April 13, 1948. Magnes, a 70 year old man, patient, knows that his illness will soon because of it. Despite this, he decides to urgently fly to New York, and thence to the White House in Washington to stop the war raging in the country. It is hardly anyone outside of a pacifist group of teachers, but it has its input and influence at the top of the U.S. administration. The extracts from his diary, published here for the first time, highlight a forgotten chapter of the era of the War of Independence: the journey of Zionist leader who sought to convince the President of the United States to impose a cease-fire and prevent the implementation of the Partition Plan and the creation of the Jewish state. When

November 29, 1947, sharing decision was taken, all the Jewish Yishuv did not descend into the streets to party. A group of intellectuals, professors at the Hebrew University for the most part, was convinced that the war that broke out following the creation of the Jewish state would cause a catastrophe for the Arabs as for Jews. Judah Magnes, founder and chancellor of the Hebrew University, was a Reform rabbi, pacifist and anti-imperialist, among others known for his opposition to WWI. At the same time, it was one of the most important Zionist leaders of his time, a founder of the Jewish community in New York, and a key intermediary between the Zionist and the American administration. Since his immigration to Palestine in 1922, he supported the creation of a single state, binational, for Jews and Arabs, with a government composed of representatives of both peoples.

disciple of Gandhi and Jeremiah

Written in English, diaries Magnes are kept in the Central Archives for the History of the Jewish people in Jerusalem. He describes the despair caused by the civil war in the territories of the British Mandate nearing completion. Events of politics and war mingle with the worsening of his illness. He recounts his troubled sleep and nightmares.

"Unlike other Zionist leaders like Ben Gurion, Magnes newspapers are not just a political document," said Prof. Aryeh Goren, The Hebrew University who has studied and published writings Magnes . "His writing is very personal - it pours and talks about his doubts and weaknesses. "Magnes

considered himself a disciple of Mahatma Gandhi and the prophet Jeremiah, and he opposed any kind nationalism based on military force. The association Ihud "he founded with some of his friends, is required for the symbol of the Zionist left the camp for all matters concerning relations with the Arabs. Its members were attacked by nearly all parties in the Yishuv, and treated defeatist mentality attached to the exile, and unpatriotic.

"Magnes predicted that even if we win the war, there would still be after a war, and yet another. There would be no end to it, "Goren said the professor. "Lorsqu'ont began fighting the War of Independence, he tried to stop the implementation of UN resolution and to promote the idea initiated by the then U.S. State Department, that freezes the UN partition resolution and imposes until both parties a 'trusteeship' with an interim government until an agreement on conditions for further regulation. Magnes thought it was time to stop the course of events, hoping that will establish itself in the meantime some understanding and the ability to talk. "

April 12, he wrote in his diary: "It is now more than a generation time that I preach peace, reconciliation and understanding. How could I not draw me to the world and say, 'Folks, stop the bloodshed. The agreement is possible. " For years I expect this time. "The American consul told him that if a trusteeship is not established before May 15, Palestine will enter a period" full of danger and bloodshed. " "It takes a courageous and constructive approach like mine," writes Magnes. "The time has come - Alone or with others, I will visit the United States to deliver this message. He hoped that if a state was proclaimed, the United States would impose sanctions on all Israel. "A war can be waged without money or ammunition," he told his supporters in the United States.

April 13 in the afternoon, Magnes, still asleep, was contacted by Brigadier Jones, commander of the British sector of Hebrew University, who announced that 34 employees of the University and Hospital Hadassah, whose hospital director, Dr Chaim Yasky were killed in an attack on a convoy on its way to Mount Scopus. Ultimately, it emerged that 77 people were killed in the attack - many were friends of Magnes. No less than by the massacre, Magnes was deeply shaken by the circumstances that led four days earlier, on April 9, took place the massacre in the village of Deir Yassin, where more than a hundred Palestinians were killed by members of the Irgun and Lehi. At the funeral of victims of the convoy, Magnes is the link between the two events and condemns "acts of cruelty that both sides have committed in the country, these days. " He is denounced as a traitor by many in the Yishuv, including professors from the University he directs.

"At the end, we will lose"

As he despairs of opportunity for political change within the Yishuv, its position is strengthened in the sense that only America can save the Jews themselves. "I'm going to New York with the hope that I can contribute to the peace of Jerusalem," he wrote. "We need the authority and power of the Security Council so that we table the weapons." According to Aryeh Goren, "Magnes feared that what happened in the Sheikh Jarah neighborhood of [the attack on the convoy traveling to Hadassah - ndt] happens all the Jews in the country. In his letters he expresses the fear of destruction of Jerusalem. "

Accompanied by his wife, Beatrice, and the doctor looking, Magnes went to Lod Airport. The U.S. consulate, which had organized the trip by plane, also feared the route: The road to the airport being exposed to sniper fire, they passed by the city of Rehovot. Magnes landed in the United States and began a series of meetings with diplomats and with Jewish leaders. He presented his plan: "A significant majority of Jews will say that if only they are allowed to immigrate and build for another 30 or 40 years, they did not need a state," he said during a meeting in New York. "A state, it will be possible to get a war and a war ... We can build anything 'to Haifa, Tiberias, Jaffa, and many other places in the country, but we like Germans - in the end we will lose the war. "

Magnes argued that" there are millions and millions of Muslims in the world, and they are not pressed for time ... Millions and millions of Arabs are willing to sacrifice their lives - they are relatively cheap - about the number of Jews who are miserable in the world. "

May 4, whereas in the Gush Etzion and the Lake of Tiberias fighting intensifies, Magnes met George Marshall, U.S. Secretary of State. "A solution to the problem of Palestine is only possible if the Arabs and Jews are required to meet to work out their salvation. A trusteeship will provide that opportunity, "he said to Marshall.

Marshal expressed his enthusiasm for the ideas of Magnes, but accompanies it to the exit. Near the door, Magnes Marshall asks: "Mr. Secretary, I ask you a direct question: is there a hope to impose a trusteeship? "Marshall replied in a hesitant manner. "The United States has offered to participate in an international military force to Palestine, but no country has joined the proposal." An American gentleman

The next day, he met U.S. President Harry Truman. Magnes said that "There are still a few days until May 15 (date of termination of the British mandate - O. Ilan). Truman made a vague answer. He thinks that the three monotheistic religions have common moral principles. If all three reach the agreement, the spiritual basis of Russian communism collapse. But, according to Truman, the Jewish leadership rejected his peace plan. "The Jews have rejected my proposal," said Truman Magnes. "You, Jews and Arabs, you spoil everything."

Over the past ten days, fighting has raged between the people of Chaim Weizman, who asked the administration to recognize the State of Israel that will be created, and supporters of "trusteeship". May 14, the day when Ben Gurion declared independence, Magnes, ill, was lying in his hotel room. The United States, on which he based his hopes, were quick to recognize the new state. According to Aryeh Goren, Magnes when she heard the news of the establishment of the State, he visited his son at the hotel "Waldorf Astoria" where resident Haim Weizman, his political opponent. He entered the chamber Weizman and shook his hand, congratulating him on his success. "Magnes was a gentleman U.S., "said Aryeh Goren. "Having lost, he went to congratulate Weizman.

Less than five months later, Magnes died in the United States. To Aryeh Goren, "there is no doubt that his trip to America has precipitated his death." His remains were transferred to Jerusalem, near the Sanhedria. Aryeh Goren said the desolation of what in Israel today, the figure is almost forgotten Magnes, outside the university presses that bear his name.

(Translation from Hebrew: Michel Ghys) *

"We can not collude with a society where nationalism has become a creed imposed. In light of our universal conception of the history of Jewish destiny, and because we are concerned about the situation and safety of Jews in other parts of the world, we can not agree with the policy direction that dominates the program Zionist current, and we do not support it. We believe that Jewish nationalism tends to create confusion among our companions on their place and function in society and diverts their attention from their historical role: living in religious community wherever they are ... The new Jewish voice speaks through the mouth Such guns ... is the new Torah of the Land of Israel. The world was chained to the madness of physical force. Heaven forbid that we should now follow up Judaism and the Jewish people to this madness. Judaism is a pagan who conquered much of the powerful diaspora. We thought at the time of romantic Zionism, that Zion would be redeemed by righteousness. All American Jews bear responsibility for this mistake, this mutation ... even those who do not agree with the actions of the executive pagan, but who sit with folded arms. Anesthesia leads to moral its atrophy. "

President Judah Magnes, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, during his opening statement at the beginning of 1946 -

Read the file on jewishvirtuallibrary: MYTHS AND REALITIES
Guide to the Israeli- Mitchell G. Bard Arab

"Most of the time, the greatest enemy of truth is not the lie - deliberate, premeditated or malicious - the greatest enemy of truth is the myth, persistent, repeated and persuasive. "
President John F. Kennedy

Ontario Homade Trailer



Polish Jew pianist virtuoso ovation as the twentieth century.

"Love life and life will love you. Loves people and people love you."

"I'm used to death: a pianist is a man dressed as a mortician, with in front of him constantly, his piano that looks like a hearse."

For Arthur Rubinstein, the interpreter must reflect the composer's message while interpreting it. Because otherwise, a robot might as well do it. Rubinstein plays with his heart, in fact, without tearing

Born Lodzt, Poland January 28, 1887
Died in Geneva, Switzerland December 20, 1982

of Polish origin, born in 1887 in a Lodzt Family trader, Artur (also written by some Arthur) Rubinstein is one of the great pianists of the twentieth century. He began studying piano at age three, gave his first public performance at eight years and continued her piano studies in Berlin at the age of ten years under the responsibility a famous violinist Joseph Joachim, whose mother confided. Then he continued his studies with a great pianist Poles: Paderewski.

In 1906, Artur Rubinstein made his first trip to the United States but returned to Europe for further studies. During WWI, he settled in Spain. In 1916, he conducted a concert tour in Spain. Which led eventually to other trips to South America and made him a specialist in Latin American music.
In the 30s he spent more time in North America and Europe. He married in 1932 with Aniela Mynarski whom he had four children.

In 1946, Artur Rubinstein became an American citizen but lived most of his years in Europe. Artur Rubinstein in fact settled in Paris in 1954 and devoted himself to concert series "marathon" in London and Paris, they covered most of the orchestral works with piano. In 1961 he gave ten different programs in 40 days at Carnegie Halll (New York).

Despite his age and ill health, Artur Rubinstein continued to play in public in the years 1970 and 1980. He finished writing his biography at the age of 83 years and was still giving concerts at age 90. Artur Rubinstein
died on December 20, 1982 Switzerland, where his ashes were buried in a forest that bears his name.

Musician's virtuosity and innate pianist, Artur Rubinstein, with its incomparable vitality, considered himself "the happiest man I ever met." He was masterful in the Romantic concerto repertoire, and it was unforgettable in her performances of Schumann, Debussy and Ravel, but it is in the music of Chopin he has emerged as one of the greatest virtuosos. pianobleu

Arthur Rubinstein became an American citizen in 1946, but he never severed his ties with Poland. Very active until the end of his life, he published his biography two years before his death in Geneva at the age of 95. An urn containing his ashes was buried in Israel.

* Between 1932 and 1935, Rubinstein radically changed life: after years of itinerant career as a pianist, he assessed his severe level compared to newcomers such as Horowitz and fiercely began to work his technique somewhat neglected Since its beginnings as a child prodigy. He emerged a new man in 1935, three years later he embarked on his encyclopedic series of recordings of works by Chopin.
Indeed, the technique of the pianist here seems flawless, and we also understand that it now refuses all the effects that free spirited tradition has imposed on Chopin's music - especially rubatos whose untimely Rubinstein seems to have somewhat abused in the early career -. In short, a wonderful interpretation, the pianist is over the keyboard with a perfect natural, essential for these awesome miniatures covering the entire creative period of the composer. abeillemusique

"The English are the best audience in the world: they always applaud, even when you play well"

Listen Arthur Rubinstein: the Heroic Polonaise by Chopin and 'Liebestraum', Liszt

Friday, July 18, 2008

Hair Styles For Indian Women




The wife of Rabbi Meir
ventured these words: "Right now,
Meir, a black grief overwhelms me, torturing me,
I need advice, you, strong creature,
You the man of reason. Rabbi, give it to me.
- Talk. - Here, she said, choking his emotion.
A stranger once, my hands candid
Remit, sacred trust, two beautiful diamonds set
And confident. Ten years have passed
And the two diamonds, admired, caressed,
threw in my heart pure and tender their radius.
I thought I would never have to make
And the thought of me in my naive love.
But alas, the stranger suddenly returned
Reclaim her jewels and ... I hesitate ... My master,
These diamonds darlings, should deliver it?
- Make them, make them, "shouted Rabbi amazed,
should not deprive the deposit said. "The courageous
mother told him:" Look, "Discovering
his son dead, diamonds in his custody:
" Look on the bed, my beloved husband,
I paid the deposit that God called me . "Georges de Porto

Beruriah (? -170)

It's not very often that you find the name of a woman mentioned in the Talmud. This is the name of the great and Tannaim Amoraim, teachers of our people, which is usually found in the Talmud.De time to time, however, we encountered a large Jewish woman whose wisdom, piety, inspires us. One of the largest of these women is Beruriah.

Beruriah lived about a hundred years after the destruction of the Second Beth Hamikdash, about 1800 years ago. It is not surprising that she was one of those wise, because she was the daughter of Rabbi ben Chananiah Teradion, who was one of the "Ten Martyrs" that the Romans killed because he spread the teachings of the Torah among Jews.

Beruriah was not only the daughter of a great man but also the wife of a great sage, Rabbi Meir the holy one of the leading masters of the Mishna.

The Talmud tells many stories about Beruriah. Unlike other women she studied three hundred issues "Halacha (Jewish law) every day, which would be quite a feat for a male scholar who has spent all his time studying. For example, the sages had different opinions on the law of clean and has asked its opinion Beruriah. Rabbi Judah debate with her and recognized his authority.

There was another case where there was a dispute between his brother and Beruriah. Rabbi Simeon ben Teradion One of the greatest authorities were asked to judge the case and he said: "Rabbi Chananiah Beruriah daughter is wiser than his son, Rabbi Simon. "

Beruriah was well versed in the Scriptures and could quote from them with ease. To illustrate what his character was as we said the following in the Talmud:

Beruriah had a sister who was spared by the Romans and taken to the city of Antioch, where they wanted to force her to live a life of shame. She called her husband, Rabbi Meir, to take the big risk to go to Antioch and to save his sister . Not only succeeds Rabbi Meir was the release, but he also conducted a survey and managed to get witnesses, proving that his sister was remained pure, which, naturally, is very important for his future. It was necessary that everyone should flee Earth Sainte.Beruriah fled with her husband in his exile in Babylonia to share with him.

Another story showing the end of Beruriah character is telling neighbors that they were bad people, these thugs, Rabbi Meir continually bored. In his anger Rabbi Meir once prayed that God rid of those nasty parasites. Beruriah said softly: "The Psalmist said:" So away the sins of the earth. "You see, the word is sin, not sinners. We must pray for evil to disappear, then there will be no bad guys.

The most famous and most touching story of piety, wisdom and courage to Beruriah is the death of his two beloved son. It happened one Sabbath while Rabbi Meir was in the Beth Hamidrash, sudden illness that struck their children died.

Beruriah installs them in the bedroom and said nothing to anyone. After nightfall Rabbi Meir returned and asked for his son. Beruriah casually remark that they were out. She has quietly prepared the "Havdalah", the cup of wine, light, and spices. It also kept his attention occupied later, she has prepared and served with "Melaveh Malkah" dinner with a Jewish man who accompanies the departure of "Queen of the Sabbath." Then, after Rabbi Meir had finished eating, he Beruriah requested a response to the following problem:

"Some time ago, one thing stayed with me. Now, the owner returned to claim it. Do I make ?

"It's a very strange question indeed. How can anyone doubt the owner's right to reclaim what belongs to him?" Rabbi Meir s'étonnemnt exclaims.

She then directed her husband in the bedroom, where both their son reside in their eternal sleep. She removed the covers from their bodies. . Rabbi Meir, seeing his beloved son, and realizing that they have gone broke into bitter tears.

"My dear husband," said kindly Beruriah crying "Have not you said a moment ago that the owner is entitled to claim his property? God gave and took over, blessed be the name God. " chabad

"One day [Beruriah], in a tone of mockery, expressed his disdain about using (the saying) the wise" women are reckless "(Kiddushin 80 b, Shabbat 33b). Rabbi [Meir] replied: "Throughout your life, you affirm [certain of] these words. "
He then gave the order to one of his followers to try to seduce her. After several attempts, she died. When the fact was known to all, [Beruriah] committed suicide, and Rabbi Meir fled ashamed of his misfortune "(Rashi on Avodah Zara 18b). morim

approached Rabbi Simlai Rabbi Yohanan and said he wanted to study the Sefer Youhasin (the book of genealogy) and asked if he could do it in three months. The sage replied: "If Beruriah wife of Rabbi Meir and daughter of Rabbi ben Hananyah Teradyon, who studies daily with 300 rabbis, did not finish (to study) Sefer Yuhasin in three years, how do you hope to succeed him in 3 months? "(Talmud Babli - Pesahim 62 b)

Beruriah found a student who was studying in a low voice, she scolded, saying:" Is it is perhaps not written "Although everything and ordered well guarded "(II Samuel 23:5)? If the Torah is ordered in the 248 organs in your body, it will be safe (guarded) and will be preserved, and if it does not, it does will not be kept or preserved "(Erouvin 53 b-54 a).

At one occasion, Rabbi Yose the Galilean found her on the way and he asked "Where should we travel to arrive in Lida? , "To which she replied:" Galilean fool! The rabbis did not they say "Do not talk too much with women? (Mishnah Avot 1:5, b. Nedarim 20 a) You should have asked: "How often do we in Lida? "(Erouvin 53b)

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An eighteenth-century poetic
The Eighteenth century was a period of intellectual and spiritual prosperity for Jews in Morocco.
At that time, many piyyutim inserted in the local Sephardic liturgy are spreading throughout the Mediterranean basin.

The Enlightenment has not yet reached its peak in Europe and the revival of the Hebrew language will wait another century before works inspired by the Haskalah movement does emerge. Yet, in Morocco, a Jewish poet of the eighteenth century, David Hassine (born in Meknes in 1722 and died in 1792) with its roots in the depths of Torah and exegesis Biblical heir to the cultural tradition and ritual of the English Golden Age, made his contemporaries, and especially for his Creator of piyyutim, liturgical poems sung in Hebrew a living, rich and melodious.
David Hassine is one of the best known figures of the Moroccan Jewish liturgical poetry and piyyutim were distributed throughout the Sephardic world. Indeed, he devoted his life to piyyut. He sings, to witness, small and big joys, feasts, pains and tragedies of a community it is a harmonious and passionate echo, echo that hope to return bimillenary Zion

Hometown Meknes, this contemporary rabbi of Rabbi Shlomo Halioua is considered the greatest Jewish poets of Morocco. He is the author of Tehila Ledavid (Hymn to David), a collection of liturgical poems and elegiac songs that inspired many Moroccans and Shel Mékoman zébahim (The place of sacrifice), a versification of ritual slaughter. Akadem

Great poets Moroccan Jewish Rabbi Yaacov

Abensour, said Yabetz (1673-1753)
From Fez to Tetouan, passing through Meknes, Rabbi Ya'acov Abensour accumulate titles and became the first rabbi to open a rabbinical court in Fez: successively Kabbalist, grammarian, astronomer and poet, he is the author of numerous collections of songs and poems liturgical to mention that 'one: H'et Lékhol Hefetz (A time for everything). His collections of commentaries and responsa remained famous as the outsdakah béya'akov Mishpat (Law of Jacob and Charity). Rabbi Shlomo

Halioua (eighteenth century)
native of Meknes, the rabbi, who remains famous for its quality as a poet, is the author of Lamentations the persecution of the Jewish communities of Morocco, particularly fierce during the reign of Moulay Yazid (1790-1792).

The days of Moroccan Judaism
Poetry and exegesis biblical Judeo-Moroccan
Moshe Bar-Asher, Professor of Hebrew University of Jerusalem

The Education of a Poet and a Talmid Hakham Meknes to top the 18th Century David Ben Hassine
Andre E. Elbaz
Carleton University Department of French Studies

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And the Lord said, Thou hast mercy of castor that cost you no trouble and that you did not grow, who was born in a night and perished in a night.
And I would not pity Nineveh, that great city, wherein are more than one hundred twenty thousand men who can not distinguish their right from their left, and animals in large numbers!


by Rabbi Shlomo AVlNER

It is no coincidence that we read the book of Jonah in the office the afternoon of Yom Kippur. Indeed, this book is entirely devoted to Teshuva, repentance: this text is unique in that it tells us about the success of the prophet Jonah in his plan to surrender the city of Nineveh depraved in the right way, and this After only three days of calls and invective across the capital.

We can not fail to be surprised by the negative attitude of Jonah who, prior to prophesy in Nineveh, decides to escape and flee to another country: it is fully aware that he refuses to fulfill the mission of prophecy which the Lord has charged.

Obviously a preliminary issue arises in our mind: how a prophet can refuse to perform a sacred duty, and especially how he receives his "mission orders" directly from the Lord, can he seriously consider opportunity to flee D. .. ? Does he not that the divine presence fills the universe?

The Radak, Rabbi David Kimchi, and comments on this passage explains that Jonas had no intention to flee D. ..: he wanted only to abandon the place of prophecy. "For the prophet was a well of science and knowledge" commentators say. In fact, Jonah did not flee D. .. but the ability to prophesy in the name of D. .. ! We know that prophecy is in Eretz Israel, and outside it is impossible to receive all prophetic inspiration. So, logically, fleeing into exile, Jonas technically would not have accomplished its mission. Rabbi David Ben

Zimra, who lived in Safed four hundred years ago, gives him about a more nuanced interpretation of this principle: While the prophecy does not reach those who reside abroad, whether against a undertakes prophet its mission to Eretz Israel, it shall continue in exile, as was the case of the prophet Ezekiel (Talmud Moed Katan Treaty, p. 25).

later in our story, while he was in the belly of the fish, Jonah repented. Although the personalities of a very high spiritual elevation, the prophets are nonetheless men, endowed with qualities and flaws. No one is perfect or infallible says Rambam in the seventh chapter of his treatise entitled The Eight Chapters. One of the faults specific to the prophets, the sages tell us, is precisely what they may decide to suppress their prophecy (Kovech Nevouato). To illustrate this case, the Talmud relates the story of Jonah just refusing to talk to Nineveh and ignoring the order to bring God's message to its recipients (Treatise Sanhedrin p. 89 / a).

But what could then push Jonah such a refusal? Our prophet did not want it not see the city of Nineveh back on track? Jonas is himself gives us his answer. Indeed, a careful reading of the text, we note that after the people of Nineveh had indeed made Teehouva Jonas immersed in bitterness and despair, saying: "Alas, Lord, is it not is what I said is still in my country? Also had I hurried to flee to Tarshish. Because I knew you were a D. .. clement and merciful, full of longonimité and caring, ready to return to threats "(Jonas, IV, 2).

Jonas therefore knew in advance that D. .. willing to forgive the people of Nineveh, while himself was not prepared to do so. His refusal and his anger was motivated by the fact that D. .. D. .. being a pardon, and in this case, forgiveness was unbearable! For Jonah it was indeed too easy to do evil, then delete a single movement of the soul. He certainly knew that the Torah Teshuva accepted and promised to sinners forgiveness. He knew that Abraham, our forefather, had even prayed for the preservation of Sodom, the city of debauchery in excellence. Nevertheless, he considered that in the case of Nineveh, forgiveness was illegitimate: he was anxious that justice be done in full force!

Generally, teshuvah can sometimes appear to contradict the attribute of Justice In the Jerusalem Talmud, it is reported as a question "What is the punishment of the sinner?" who was asked three times, getting three different answers. We initially questioned the wisdom, who replied: "Sinners will be pursued by evil. "The matter was then referred to the prophecy, which said" The sinful person will die. "Then they asked last D. .. who said:" Let him do Teshuva, and he will be forgiven "(Talmud Jerusalem, Makota II, 6).

For an objective analysis of the situation, wisdom brings us to the conclusion that the possible harm the sinner must turn against him. Recognizing the gravity of the rebellion against D.. . and trampling of the property by the sinner, prophecy concludes that this person must die and we can not ignore.

By cons, D. .. is generous. It opens a door making it possible purification and allows the sinner to do teshuvah. Now that thought is unbearable for Jonas. For him, the people of Nineveh are such sinners, so they have oppressed the widow and the fatherless, it is impossible in a jiffy, to forgive them! It would be too unfair, says Jonas, their sins are too serious and they must be punished!

But the thought of the Creator is not that of the prophet "My thoughts are not your thoughts, and my voice is not your voice!" (Isaiah, LIII). D. .. was, for him, ready to accept the Teshuvah. In the prologue to his commentary on the Book of Jonah, Rashi complete this interpretation giving it a more original: "It was not the honor of morality and virtue was at stake, but the honor of the Jewish People: Jonah refused to go to Nineveh to prophesy for one reason because the 'Gentiles' are close to teshuvah [KrovéTechouva], are more capable and responsive to repentance. "If I talk to them," said Jonas, and they do teshuvah, I would come thereby to condemn the Jewish people, he does not listen to the words of the prophets.

The prophet Jonah therefore argues above all for the honor of the Jewish people: he was ready to be thrown overboard and sacrifice for the people D ...! "The prophets are willing to sacrifice for the people of Israel" (Mekhilta section Bo).

We remember Moses had also adopted such an attitude to D. .. after the episode of the Golden Calf by asking the Creator to erase it from his book if not forgive Israel. According to Rav Kook, Moses was even ready to sacrifice his future world, which is simply the "Book of D. .." (Letters § 555).

The Jewish people are a people who do difficult enough for three days of reprimands, such as Nineveh, to Teshuvah, For our people, in fact, hundreds of years remonstrances and dozens of prophets were not enough: it is a "stiff-necked people" it is very difficult to convince.

But unlike the non-Jewish inhabitants of Nineveh who repented were resumed shortly after the wrong path, we know that when occur authentic repentance of Israel, this teshuvah is about it forever.

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"In the void of thought that fits the evil"

"The Third World is not a reality but an ideology. " - From lying to violence

"If you manage to appear before the others as you would be, that's all you can require the judges of this world." - Excerpt from On Revolution

"Progress and catastrophe are the obverse and reverse of the same coin."

"Love Life is easy when you're abroad. Where nobody knows you, you hold your life in your hands, you are master of yourself more than at any time. "- Rahel Varnhagen

" To be confirmed my identity I depend entirely on others. "

Hannah Arendt (1906-1975)
A political theorist
Refuting the word" philosopher "because it works
men rather it should prepare a reflection
on Man, Hannah Arendt was one of the most intellectual
views From the early 1950s.
first woman to teach at Princeton University,
is on the question of the nature of politics and political life
as a human activity highly specific
it hired its reflection in the strongest

Heidegger and Karl Jespers
· Born in Hanover October 14, 1906, Hannah Arendt comes from an assimilated Jewish family. Raised in Königsberg (Kaliningrad since 1946), she studied theology at Berlin University and philosophy at the University of Marburg. She met Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) with whom she develops an intellectual passion and sentimental (1925).
• After his break with the philosopher, she became a student of Edmund Husserl (1859-1938) in Freiburg im Breisgau and Heidelberg, Karl Jaspers (1883-1969) under whom she is writing her thesis on the Concept of Love in St. Augustine (published in 1929).
· With the rise of Nazism, Hannah Arendt is involved in the Zionist organization of Kurt Blumenfeld. Arrested by the Gestapo, she eventually released and managed to flee to Paris with Günther Stern (Anders) with whom she is married since 1929. During his exile in Paris she became friends with Walter Benjamin (1892-1940) and Raymond Aron (1905-1983). She divorced in 1939 and married in January 1940 Heinrich Blücher, too old refugee from Germany and Spartacus.

Gurs New York
· May 1941 after being detained at Camp Gurs, she joined the United States and settled in New York until the end of the war. It contributes to the magazine Aufbau and conducts research for the Commission on the reconstruction of European Jewish culture.
° 1944: she began writing her first major work, The Origins of Totalitarianism, which will published in 1951, the year she obtained U.S. citizenship. From 1955 she taught at Columbia, Princeton, Berkeley, the University of Chicago, and from 1967 until his death at the New School for Social Research
New York.

The Origins of Totalitarianism
· Influenced by Heidegger's phenomenology, the work of Hannah Arendt thrives on close reading of Aristotle, St. Augustine, Kant, Nietzsche and Jaspers. His thought does not come as a philosophical system but focuses on key themes and totalitarianism, revolution, freedom, thinking and judging. She relentlessly interrogates the policy and its guiding concept, action, and to his philosophical contemplation of
· Hannah Arendt is famous mainly for The Origins of Totalitarianism (1951), a work which emphasizes the conditions which make impossible the viability of public life. Terror appears as an end in itself, by calling
historical determinism (communism) or the nature and the inevitable war between the "chosen people" and "degenerate races" (Nazism).
· It then maintains a thorough reflection on the human condition in condition of modern man (1958). She develops the distinction between private and public, understood as political space of appearance, between what is in production and what is the action. It detects and in public life at work and reduced consumer behind the purely political manager.

Eichmann in Jerusalem
· In 1963, Essay on the Revolution shows that the American and French revolutions marked the ultimate failure
to establish a political space in which deliberation, decision and coordinated action can be exercised. Published the same year, Eichmann in Jerusalem, Report on the Banality of Evil (1963), which aroused great controversy, marks the passage of questioning the nature of political action than the ability to think and act: "The problem of good and evil, the ability to distinguish what is right and what is evil, be they related to our ability to think? .
• Finally, the relationship between Acting and Thinking is addressed in The Life of the Mind, published posthumously. Of the three original parties, only the first two were published: The thought and will. At his death Hannah Arendt worked to the last, Judgement. Ethical development of his vision of history and politics, this book is somehow the will "philosophical" Hannah Arendt. Akadem

PIERRE Bouretz
Hannah Arendt and Zionism: Cassandra
with feet of clay

At the time of the centenary of the death of Theodor Herzl July 3, 1904 and in a context of controversy about his legacy This article examines the position of Hannah Arendt vis-à-vis Zionism, its meaning and its posterity. Having been engaged for ten years in the Zionist movement, Arendt broke with him in 1944 by developing a critique of its policy and its vision of history. Although it was very isolated at that time, there are now some of his arguments in speeches advocating a revisionist perspective on the foundations and history of the State of Israel between two perspectives: post-Zionist or anti-Zionist.
Before Zionism, Arendt has played the role of Cassandra, but maybe a Cassandra with feet of clay. cairn

Thursday, July 17, 2008

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"the failures are not two conflicting
intelligences but two wills" Emanuel Lasker

grew up in a poor family. But his father, even if it occupied a subordinate use to the local synagogue, has always sought to ensure a good education to his two son, Berthold, the eldest, and Emanuel.

Thus, Berthold had he the chance to leave very early in Berlin to continue his studies. There does not have resources sufficient, he earned his living doing (in parallel) activity "sparringpartner", praising its services in a cafe, to those who wanted to play cards or chess.

In turn, Emanuel became fascinated with the noble game after learning the rules, with Berthold at the age of 11. The youngest of the Lasker proved very quickly, too, a predisposition exceptional, both for Chess, for Mathematics.

In March 1888, then aged 19, he joined his elder brother in Berlin. Following the path traced by this brother "exemplary", he enrolled at the same university. In addition to coffee, he began to attend or even to replace his brother, in order to teach chess.

But his father refuses to see his younger brother to follow this bad example. He insisted that Berthold Emanuel place at another school in order to remove the coffee. Luckily, the director of this new school was a good chess player. He urged Emanuel to engage fully in the game and in the studies, especially recognizing his immense talent for mathematics, since the young E. Lasker was able to solve exercises in 2 hours, when his comrades needed 5 hours, however, Emanuel continues to frequent the cafe, because money was missing.

But the practice pays off, and he plays better and better, gaining most of its parts, despite the handicap made a pawn, a knight or a tower.

In 1889, after securing his return to the Faculty of Mathematics, he began playing competitively, and boast the title of Master at the Tournament of Breslau. The playing career at the top level irresistibly attracts, especially since it is aware of his strength, having already won the Masters recognized as K. von Bardeleben, J. Mieses, especially H. Bird in 1890 in London.

But his main interests are many, and this omniscient thinker wants to do everything! He is interested in philosophy, cards, game theory, as in drama. Therefore, his life is like a part simultaneously.

order to move faster, E. Lasker stays in England, where he beat the best local players. It offers a match to S. Tarrasch, renowned for being one of the best players in the world, but it refuses, saying that his challenger has yet to prove his strength!

E. Lasker decided to embark for the United States, where it crosses Route 1 World Champion, W. Steinitz. He travels, he played and won tournaments and games. It provides simultaneous. And most importantly, it prepares to face W. Steinitz, world title at stake in New York. The match ends

May 26, 1894, a victory E. Lasker (+10 -5 = 4), which is sacred and the second official World Champion. The new No. 1 in the world is young (25 years), his style is dazzling.

With a fierce determination and an incomparable foresight, it will retain its crown for 27 years, representing an absolute record! After 8

defenses victorious, E. Lasker finally lost his title in 1921 at the age of 52 years, defeated by the Cuban genius JR Capablanca. But the fallen champion showed exceptional longevity.

He won again some of the biggest tournaments, such as New York in 1924. E. Lasker felt a deep respect for W. Steinitz and his knowledge of the game but it will go much further. While

W. Steinitz had enacted the precepts of modern positional play, systematizing principles, E. Lasker will not only deepen and revitalize this legacy, but handle enrich the theory of new tactical and psychological aspects.

It was the first to explain the true nature and importance of the combination. He also understood first the importance of psychological factors, availing itself of a particular method, based on the destabilization of his psychic adversaire.Ainsi, voluntarily conceding material or positional advantage, or even playing unusual shots and sometimes illogical, he led his rivals to return to chaotic positions, depriving them of all analytical benchmarks. In

register positional play, E. Lasker applied three basic precepts: 1. Playing with a plan, this first principle is valid, he said, both chess and in life (cf. "Lasker's Manual of Chess, 1927). 2. Create weaknesses. 3. Avoid weaknesses. Otherwise, he understood better than W. Steinitz dynamic nature of pawn structure. He completed

culture dogma of limiting the activity of the opponent's pieces, and the idea of "blockade" (long before Nimzovitch A.!). He was less successful in the openings, although some systems are named after him. Also, he often sought to avoid forced variations, compensating for its shortcomings by a deep understanding of middle game and finals. As such, it has never really applied the principle of "rapid development" in the opening, which was yet to figure axiom since the advent of P. Morphy. In contrast, he introduced the concept of sustainable equilibrium position.

Alongside his playing, E. Lasker was a brilliant thinker. He was awarded the title of Doctor in Mathematics and Philosophy, writing many books on Philosophy and Chess, as the famous "Common Sense in Chess" or "Common sense in Chess", published in 1896, which became a bestseller.

He studied game theory, analyzed from a mathematical point of view and philosophy in his book "The Fight". He also wrote an essay on futuristic human relations, entitled 'The Community de l'Avenir "in 1940, a year before his death. But it was his master work "The Philosophy of the Infinite," which marked some of the brightest minds of his time, as the physicist Albert Einstein. Inevitably, these two brains out of joint became friends, to the point A. Einstein pointed E. Lasker as one of the most interesting people he met during his life. Both had a profound sensitivity to the metaphysical doubt, and A. Einstein was impressed by the personality of rare E. Lasker, regretting even as it has not devoted his entire life to science. Physicist admired the independence of mind Champion, going so far as to conclude that the game was for him a comfortable way to earn a living rather than a passion. But A. Einstein did not know the "magic world" of the 64 squares! Also, it is possible to conclude that he had (for once) slightly wrong ...

A party, which took place in 1895, had a particular challenge. It was raced at the famous tournament in St. Petersburg in 1895. E. Lasker to confronted the American champion H.-N. Pillsbury, which, through its exceptional level of play, seemed like a contender for the supreme title. Despite some approximations, this game became famous as one of the most fascinating parts of the story. At the height of the intensity of combat, E. Lasker demonstrates qualities of strategic, tactical and psychological accuracy outsized.

Excerpts from the article Europe-Echecs, March 2003, Darko Anic

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1893 - 1943
Nationality Russian born in 1893 in Smirlovitch Solomon Soutine, 62, born in Pontovitch, Russian nationality and Sarah born Smirlovitch Soutine, Russian nationality. Resident Passage of Danzig. Identification produced: Passport to established Russian Vilna on 20/03/1913 (Julian), ie 02.04.1913.


Born in a ghetto near the Berezina, tenth child of an impoverished tailor, Soutine initially follows the course of the School of Fine Arts in Vilnius, then settled in Paris in 1911, same time as other artists from Central Europe. Soutine lived in the Beehive, where his neighbors Chagall, Lipchitz, and Cendrars Kremegne ; He befriended Modigliani. The technique of Soutine, who was influenced by Van Gogh, is oriented mainly to the effects of color.

1893 Birth of Chaim Soutine at Smilovitchi, near Minsk. It is the tenth of eleven children of Zalma (Solomon) and Sarah Sutin. His father was a little Jewish tailor from the village and family Soutine - when possible - fed on boiled potatoes, herring and black bread. Soutine has always complained of being hungry, even in its glory is even said that he ignored the existence of white bread until the age of fifteen. Soutine kept his place of birth images of exhausted and starving, the haunting memories that are always found in his paintings, even in his landscapes and still lifes. In 1902

nine years he was apprenticed to his uncle who is a tailor in Minsk.

1907 Chaim Soutine went to Minsk to study drawing. A man named Krueger, director of the Jewish artist school taught him the rudiments of art practice. There he meets an art student, Kikoïne Michel, who became his friend

1910 He moved to Vilna and tinkered with a photographer to support himself. He enrolled at the Academy Fine Arts but troubled and nervous, failed the entrance exam, due to an error of perspective. Shortly after, he represents and succeeds. Thereafter, it will be considered by his teacher Rebakoff as a brilliant student. He took classes at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. A medical aid financially.

1912 Go and paint: it is Dr. Rafelkes which Chaim was a time courted the girl, which will partially fund the trip to the City of Light. And it Pinchus Krémègne will bring the two friends in Paris: join them share their dog's life to "The Hive"!. Soutine 20 years ago, he followed his friend Pinchus Krémègne and arrives in Paris July 14, 1913 with the painter Michel Kikoïne. He lives at 9 Boulevard Edgar Quinet, then rented a studio at "La Ruche", Rue Dantzig, proletarian district of Vaugirard, south of Paris where he lives with Michael and Kikoïne Pinchus Krémègne. It follows two years of courses Fernand Cormon and works as a porter at the station.

1913 - The Hive at 2 Danzig passage had been transported in 1902, the former flag of the wines of the Universal Exhibition of 1900 at the initiative of the sculptor Alfred Boucher. The Villa Medici Libre attended by up to 140 artists at once, which Cendrars Zadkine, Leger, Chagall ... For a few dozen francs for rent, was the bohemian life near Vaugirard slaughterhouses and "fortifications" are now extinct ... In 1913, Soutine enrolled at the Ecole Nationale des Beaux-Arts: he works at the shop Cormon which a generation ago was a time the "Professor" Toulouse-Lautrec and Vincent Van Gogh, in Montmartre. .. He lives

1914 City Falguière met, among others, Modigliani, who became his intimate friend and present it to his dealer Leopold Zborowski.

1914 Saturday, August 2, 1914: Mobilization Order General.

Tuesday, August 4, 1914: Soutine obtained from the police headquarters of the 15th arrondissement of Paris for a residence permit: he left Paris to temporarily Livry-Gargan where Kikoïne the house.

Soutine volunteered and will be in a group that digs trenches ... Back in Montparnasse, everything has changed: some friends as Kisling who volunteered and joined the front are gone ...

1919 he met Zborowski who sends in the south of France, Ceret where he lives and works. First meeting with Madeleine and Marcellin Castaing "La Rotonde".

1920-1922 Cagnes breaks. At Cagnes, at the end of January 1920, he learned the news of the death of Modigliani and is shaken.

1923 The great American collector Albert C. Barnes is going to buy a blow sixty paintings by Soutine that begins to emerge from its isolation.

1924 Stays in Paris and Cagnes. Soutine worked in a shop located rue du Mont-Saint-Gothard in Paris. He saw some time with Deborah Melnik he met in Vilna, where she studied music, but separated from her fast enough.

1925 Impressed by Rembrandt, Soutine painted the beef carcass. He refuses to recognize a daughter, Aimee, Deborah Melnik said that result from their association.

1927 Personal exhibition at the Galerie Bing, Paris

1927-1928 Series Pastry and Communicants.

1929 Soutine became friends with Castaing. First monograph by Elie Faure. 1931-1935

He spent the summer Leves near Chartres, host of Marcellin and Madeleine Castaing, who became his main buyers.

1937 Soutine moved to Paris in an apartment in the Rue Villa Seurat. Meet at the coffee "Dome" Gerda Groth who fled Nazi Germany and he calls "Miss Guard. She became his companion.

1939 Soutine and Miss Guard living in the village of Civry-sur-Serein, in the Yonne. He made several trips to Paris to consult doctors about his stomach ulcers.

1940-1942 On 15 May, Ms Garde is deported to Gurs camp in the Pyrenees. Accompanied by Marie-Berthe Aurenche, the former wife of Max Ernst, Soutine lived in small villages in Indre-et-Loire where he is hiding from the Nazi occupiers, particularly on Veude Champigny, near Tours. He painted landscapes of admirable.

1943 August 7, it takes him, rushed to the hospital. He died Aug. 9 in Paris a intestinal perforation. Chaim Soutine is buried in the cemetery of Montparnasse, August 11.

"I once saw the village butcher cut the neck of a goose and drain the blood. I wanted to scream, but her cheerful tied me throat ... This cry, I feel again. When I was a kid, and I drew a clumsy portrait of my teacher, I tried to free myself from that cry, but in vain. When I was painting a beef carcass, it was always the same cry which I wanted to get rid of. I have not succeeded! "

"I watched the lights of the sun and shadows will continue the curtains of dust still ... my father, sitting like a Buddha, sewed mechanically near the gray window and then stopped and, without looking up, turned a page ... "Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Works provides three things that are suitable for real Jew: an absolute kneeling, a cry without a voice, a dance move. ",

LIFE Chaim Soutine

Samples Of Church Welcome



A Sabin

The name is associated with the Albert Sabin oral polio vaccine he developed in the 1950s. Research virologist this does not, however, concentrated on immunization, he also studied the role of viruses in some cancers.

Sabin, Albert Bruce (1906-1993), Russian-born American virologist who developed an oral vaccine against poliomyelitis based on a strain of live virus.
Born in Bialystok, Sabin emigrated with his parents in the United States in 1921. He received his medical degree from the University of New York in 1931. After working for the Rockefeller Institute, he entered the University Children's Hospital and the Faculty of Medicine, University of Cincinnati. Sabin
devoted much of his life to research on vaccines against strains of polio virus crippled or killed many children. (See Immunization.)
will be remembered for the very serious epidemic that raged from 1942 to 1953. By the mid-1950s, he managed to obtain a strain of virus that does not cause paralysis of central nervous system in animals. The Sabin vaccine was attenuated and alive, unlike that developed by the physician and epidemiologist American Jonas Salk, who was a serum (injected) inactivated. The vaccine was successfully tested on Sabin and other volunteers, before undergoing a series of trials around the world between 1958 and 1960.
After 1961, Sabin concentrated his work on the role of viruses in cancer encarta

1956 - October 6

An oral vaccine against polio
Albert Sabin of the University of Cincinnati (State of Ohio) announces the development of an oral vaccine against polio. WHO now recommends the use of this vaccine, which unlike the vaccine developed by Jonas Salk in 1954, is prepared from a live virus inactivated. Polio has been eradicated from Western countries, but this is still so rampant in some twenty countries

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Where they burn books, they will eventually burn

Lore ley - 1824

My Heart, why these black omens?
I'm sad. A
history of the ancient ages
Haunts my remembrance. Already

air cools, the evening falls,
On the Rhine, roaring flood;
Only a high rock overlooking
Shine the lights of the sunset.

Up there, the more beautiful nymphs,
Assisi, still dreaming;
His hand, where the ring spark
comb her golden hair.

The comb is magical. She sings, and strange
Stamp winner,
Tremble fly! voice touching the heart

In his boat, the man who passes
Took a sudden transport
without seeing, staring into space,
Just on the reef death.

The reef breaks, the gulf surrounds,
The boat is sunk,
And here is the evil that can
Loreley on his rock

Heine, a famous poet and writer, born in Düsseldorf, of Jewish parents penniless, December 13, 1797, died in Paris, February 17, 1856. His first and most important political prints date from the time when the Rhineland was under anti-feudal domination of Napoleon (1806-1813). He attended high school from 1808 to 1814, then enter the trade. After tests in the miserable career (in Hamburg from 1816 to 1819), he devoted himself, with the support of his uncle, Solomon Heine rich, Hamburg, to study law at the universities of Bonn, Göttingen and Berlin, where he attended classes at the same time Germanic philology and philosophy diligently. He converted to Christianity 28 June 1825, and passed his Ph.D. on July 20 of that year at Göttingen. He then had the idea to settle Hamburg, but reasons still unknown to him had been abandoned, he lived alternately in London, Munich (1828, as political editor of the Annals of Cotta), in Northern Italy particularly in Berlin and Hamburg, until, in 1831, following frustrations and disappointments, he went to Paris, who was then the mecca of liberalism. The suffering of heart that in this first period of his life, made him feel unhappy love for her cousin Amelia and, later, Theresa, sister of the latter, had a profound influence on his poetic development, and it sentimental about these experiences that are based most of his lyrical confessions. Despite the nostalgia that came over him in Paris at other times, it was no longer possible to return in Germany for a short time in the fall 1843 and fall 1844, each of these two eras arriving only to leave again.

The Germanic Diet, by a decree dated December 1835, which condemned all writings of the "Young Germany," which Heine was, the financial situation of the latter was greatly compromised. His main income was a pension of 4000 francs annually served him his uncle Solomon, father of Amelia and Theresa. In October 1834, Heine had met a French woman, beautiful and good, but not uneducated playful mood, Eugenie Mirat (2) (died February 19, 1883, in Passy), whom he married Aug. 31, 1841, marriage was religiously devoted. Situated in a great shortage of money, he performs in 1836 or 1837, the approach most serious of his life by asking the French government a pension from the secret funds, pension amounting to 4800 francs, which was served until the fall of the July Monarchy, that is to say until 1848.

In 1845, he was suffering from an ailment of the spinal cord that, from 1848 to his death, nailed him on his bed, his Matratzengruft. Despite his physical state of the most miserable, he maintained an admirable coolness of mind, and it arose Then, of some of his most important productions in prose. Malicious turn of mind never left point and his concept of the world grew deeper, under the discipline of suffering.

Heine began in the literary life by his Gedichte (Berlin, 1822), which followed soon Tragoedien mit einem lyrischen Intermezzo (1823). His Gedichte met the warmest reception from prominent critics of the era, such as Varnhagen and Immermann, but the first two volumes Reiserbilder (1826), increased in 1830-1831, two other volumes were more successful yet ...

The poems he had brought, and gave back Heine, together with other previously published and more recently, in the Buch der Lieder (Hamburg, 1827) which reprinted ever, has always been considered One of the rarest treasures of German literature.

Once established in Paris, Heine began to be the mediator between intellectual Germans and French. Thus was written: Beitraege zur Geschichte der schoenen neuen Litteratur in Deutschland (8) (Hamburg, 1833, 2 vols.) That a new edition, took the title: Die romantische Schule (Hamburg, 1836); Franzoesische Zustaende (10) (Hamburg, 1833), collection of articles written in Paris for the Allgemeine Zeitung of Augsburg, which he adorned with a preface of the most violent reaction against Prussia; Der Salon ( Hamburg, 1835-1840, 4 vols.), where he explained in an original history of religion and philosophy and German, with humor, life, politics, drama and French art, and where he published the new comedy like Memoiren of Herrn von Schnabelewopski and Florentinische Nacht. Heine also knew in Paris, the beginnings of socialism in Saint-Simon and Childish, fell in love their doctrines that had lead to a strangely pagan sensuality all the joys of life, opposed to the Judeo-Christian spirituality. Of particular note traces of this theory in the literature on German literature and philosophy cited above. After a less valuable work entitled Shakespeares Maedchen und Frauen (Paris and Leipzig, 1839), Heine published a memoir of Ludwig Boerne (Hamburg, 1840) which caused great scandal and where, in a way the most bitter, he said the opponent absolute "Nazarene spiritualist" that was Boerne. Despite all his liberalism, Heine was rather intellectually an aristocrat and could not have the slightest understanding of the beliefs of Boerne exuberant. At the same time he coasted in its policy Neue Gedichte (17) (Hamburg, 1844), whose exquisite ballads are among his best productions. In his satirical epic: Deutschland, ein Wintermaerchen (Hamburg, 1844), he showed a new Aristophanes together without any sense of patriotism, however, that in his Atta Troll (Hamburg, 1847), it is quite remarkable resplendent in his descriptions and trends healthy and truly poetic.

From his patient room, emanated again: Romanzero (Hamburg, 1851), which contains his most beautiful ballads and complaints most penetrating and where in a short epilogue, the poet confesses his return to theism, and a fantastic ballet Der Doktor Faust (Hamburg, 1851), and Vermischtes Schriften (Hamburg, 1854, 2 vols.). In his posthumous works it has been published as: Gedichte und Latzte Gedunken (Hamburg, 1869), and number of years after his death, a fragment of his Memoiren (Hamburg, 1884) relating to its early years. We know nothing certain about the fate of other parts of the latter work. agora