Thursday, July 17, 2008

Denise Milani Manual Labor




1893 - 1943
Nationality Russian born in 1893 in Smirlovitch Solomon Soutine, 62, born in Pontovitch, Russian nationality and Sarah born Smirlovitch Soutine, Russian nationality. Resident Passage of Danzig. Identification produced: Passport to established Russian Vilna on 20/03/1913 (Julian), ie 02.04.1913.


Born in a ghetto near the Berezina, tenth child of an impoverished tailor, Soutine initially follows the course of the School of Fine Arts in Vilnius, then settled in Paris in 1911, same time as other artists from Central Europe. Soutine lived in the Beehive, where his neighbors Chagall, Lipchitz, and Cendrars Kremegne ; He befriended Modigliani. The technique of Soutine, who was influenced by Van Gogh, is oriented mainly to the effects of color.

1893 Birth of Chaim Soutine at Smilovitchi, near Minsk. It is the tenth of eleven children of Zalma (Solomon) and Sarah Sutin. His father was a little Jewish tailor from the village and family Soutine - when possible - fed on boiled potatoes, herring and black bread. Soutine has always complained of being hungry, even in its glory is even said that he ignored the existence of white bread until the age of fifteen. Soutine kept his place of birth images of exhausted and starving, the haunting memories that are always found in his paintings, even in his landscapes and still lifes. In 1902

nine years he was apprenticed to his uncle who is a tailor in Minsk.

1907 Chaim Soutine went to Minsk to study drawing. A man named Krueger, director of the Jewish artist school taught him the rudiments of art practice. There he meets an art student, Kikoïne Michel, who became his friend

1910 He moved to Vilna and tinkered with a photographer to support himself. He enrolled at the Academy Fine Arts but troubled and nervous, failed the entrance exam, due to an error of perspective. Shortly after, he represents and succeeds. Thereafter, it will be considered by his teacher Rebakoff as a brilliant student. He took classes at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. A medical aid financially.

1912 Go and paint: it is Dr. Rafelkes which Chaim was a time courted the girl, which will partially fund the trip to the City of Light. And it Pinchus Krémègne will bring the two friends in Paris: join them share their dog's life to "The Hive"!. Soutine 20 years ago, he followed his friend Pinchus Krémègne and arrives in Paris July 14, 1913 with the painter Michel Kikoïne. He lives at 9 Boulevard Edgar Quinet, then rented a studio at "La Ruche", Rue Dantzig, proletarian district of Vaugirard, south of Paris where he lives with Michael and Kikoïne Pinchus Krémègne. It follows two years of courses Fernand Cormon and works as a porter at the station.

1913 - The Hive at 2 Danzig passage had been transported in 1902, the former flag of the wines of the Universal Exhibition of 1900 at the initiative of the sculptor Alfred Boucher. The Villa Medici Libre attended by up to 140 artists at once, which Cendrars Zadkine, Leger, Chagall ... For a few dozen francs for rent, was the bohemian life near Vaugirard slaughterhouses and "fortifications" are now extinct ... In 1913, Soutine enrolled at the Ecole Nationale des Beaux-Arts: he works at the shop Cormon which a generation ago was a time the "Professor" Toulouse-Lautrec and Vincent Van Gogh, in Montmartre. .. He lives

1914 City Falguière met, among others, Modigliani, who became his intimate friend and present it to his dealer Leopold Zborowski.

1914 Saturday, August 2, 1914: Mobilization Order General.

Tuesday, August 4, 1914: Soutine obtained from the police headquarters of the 15th arrondissement of Paris for a residence permit: he left Paris to temporarily Livry-Gargan where Kikoïne the house.

Soutine volunteered and will be in a group that digs trenches ... Back in Montparnasse, everything has changed: some friends as Kisling who volunteered and joined the front are gone ...

1919 he met Zborowski who sends in the south of France, Ceret where he lives and works. First meeting with Madeleine and Marcellin Castaing "La Rotonde".

1920-1922 Cagnes breaks. At Cagnes, at the end of January 1920, he learned the news of the death of Modigliani and is shaken.

1923 The great American collector Albert C. Barnes is going to buy a blow sixty paintings by Soutine that begins to emerge from its isolation.

1924 Stays in Paris and Cagnes. Soutine worked in a shop located rue du Mont-Saint-Gothard in Paris. He saw some time with Deborah Melnik he met in Vilna, where she studied music, but separated from her fast enough.

1925 Impressed by Rembrandt, Soutine painted the beef carcass. He refuses to recognize a daughter, Aimee, Deborah Melnik said that result from their association.

1927 Personal exhibition at the Galerie Bing, Paris

1927-1928 Series Pastry and Communicants.

1929 Soutine became friends with Castaing. First monograph by Elie Faure. 1931-1935

He spent the summer Leves near Chartres, host of Marcellin and Madeleine Castaing, who became his main buyers.

1937 Soutine moved to Paris in an apartment in the Rue Villa Seurat. Meet at the coffee "Dome" Gerda Groth who fled Nazi Germany and he calls "Miss Guard. She became his companion.

1939 Soutine and Miss Guard living in the village of Civry-sur-Serein, in the Yonne. He made several trips to Paris to consult doctors about his stomach ulcers.

1940-1942 On 15 May, Ms Garde is deported to Gurs camp in the Pyrenees. Accompanied by Marie-Berthe Aurenche, the former wife of Max Ernst, Soutine lived in small villages in Indre-et-Loire where he is hiding from the Nazi occupiers, particularly on Veude Champigny, near Tours. He painted landscapes of admirable.

1943 August 7, it takes him, rushed to the hospital. He died Aug. 9 in Paris a intestinal perforation. Chaim Soutine is buried in the cemetery of Montparnasse, August 11.

"I once saw the village butcher cut the neck of a goose and drain the blood. I wanted to scream, but her cheerful tied me throat ... This cry, I feel again. When I was a kid, and I drew a clumsy portrait of my teacher, I tried to free myself from that cry, but in vain. When I was painting a beef carcass, it was always the same cry which I wanted to get rid of. I have not succeeded! "

"I watched the lights of the sun and shadows will continue the curtains of dust still ... my father, sitting like a Buddha, sewed mechanically near the gray window and then stopped and, without looking up, turned a page ... "Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Works provides three things that are suitable for real Jew: an absolute kneeling, a cry without a voice, a dance move. ",

LIFE Chaim Soutine


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