Monday, July 14, 2008

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He was a key architect of the democratic transformations that precipitated the fall of communism in Eastern Europe.

"After Europe, we Europeans need to do now. Otherwise, we risk losing the"

"We must put things into question, first by posing the problem of history of European civilization. Because I believe, not only as a historian, but also as a European, that the problem of Europe, of European civilization and European identity, the key problem of memory ... "Prof. . Bronislaw Geremek, Chair in European Civilization

" The weakness of democracies in the post-communist societies do not come of what happened before their entry into communism. The fundamental fact was the abolition of the market economy, removal destroys relationships between people. Communism was founded on the passivity of society. Sometimes humanity to engage in blind alleys: Communism was one of them. "Symposium experience of freedom (Mexico 1990)

Bronislaw Geremek, a specialist in medieval history and French Polish politician, died Sunday, July 13, 2008 in a car accident at the age of 76 ans.L a founding member of the Solidarity trade union and a close adviser to Lech Walesa, the historic leader, he had belonged to a small group of intellectuals advocating, as early as 1970, a non-violent opposition to the totalitarian regime imposed on Poland by the Union the Soviet figaro

Geremek, Bronislaw (1932-2008), Polish historian and politician.

A Francophile intellectual

Born in Warsaw, a Jewish intellectual family, Bronislaw Geremek grew up in the Warsaw ghetto. He managed to leave in 1943 with his mother while his older brother survived the deportation to Bergen-Belsen and her father died at Auschwitz.

Back in Warsaw in 1948, Bronislaw Geremek finishes high school. He studied history at university in his hometown and at the École Pratique des Hautes Etudes in Paris, where he stayed several times in 1956, 1957 and 1962, thanks to grants from the French government. First attracted by the contemporary history, he prefers to focus on the history of the Middle Ages, less subject to Marxist dogmatism. 1962, he became head of the Polish Center of civilization that has been created at the Sorbonne. Avid reader of the Annales school, he became interested in the work of Marc Bloch, whom he considers his spiritual master, Fernand Braudel, Lucien Febvre and Henri Pirenne and became a friend of Jacques Le Goff and medievalist Georges Duby.

historian marginality

At a time when the subject meets only indifference historian, Bronislaw Geremek turns to the study of poverty. Fascinated by the history of mentalities, he specializes in social history, that of crime, exclusion and marginality. His thesis on the Outsiders Paris in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, sustained in 1972, is published in France in 1976. Thereafter, his principal works disclaim this topic: Truands and poor in modern Europe 1350-1600 (1980), Useless in the world. Vagabonds and marginals in Europe in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries (1980), Waged in crafts in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. Market Study of the workforce Middle Age (1982), the stem or Pity. Europe and the poor of the Middle Ages to the Present (1987) and the Sons of Cain. The Image of the poor and vagabonds in literature from the fifteenth to seventeenth centuries (1991). Lecturer at the University of Warsaw from 1965 to 1980, he served in 1993 as the international chair of the College de France "Social History: exclusions and solidarity." In 2002 he received the Grand Prix de la Francophonie for the whole of his work in French.

Political commitment alongside Solidarity

Player works founders of Marxism from 1948, Bronisław Geremek joined the Polish United Workers' Party (Stern) in 1950. He left after the Soviet intervention against the Prague Spring in 1968. In 1980, he went on strike in the Gdansk shipyards, along with Tadeusz Mazowiecki, to seal the alliance between intellectuals and workers and participates in negotiations that lead to the signing of the Gdansk (August 31, 1980) and the creation of the Solidarity trade union. Bronislaw Geremek became a personal adviser to Lech Walęsła. Following the declaration of a state of war by General Jaruzelski (December 13, 1981), Bronislaw Geremek was imprisoned until December 1982. In 1989, during the negotiations of the Round Table, he is one of the main mediators between the government and Solidarity. Following the June 1989 elections, Bronislaw Geremek, Chair of the Caucus of Solidarity, the Committee to reform the Constitution and Foreign Affairs Committee of the Diet. After his departure from Solidarity in 1990, he joined the Liberties Union (UW).

Foreign Minister of Poland (1997-2000)

After the victory of Solidarity Electoral Action (AWS) in the 1997 parliamentary elections and the formation a center-right coalition between the AWS and UW under the direction of Jerzy Buzek, Bronislaw Geremek became Minister of Foreign Affairs. In this capacity, he chairs the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in 1998 and advocates a rapid accession of Poland to the European Union (EU). The rupture of the coalition AWS / UW in June 2000 means the end of his mandate. He then chaired the Parliamentary Committee for Polish EU law. In December 2000 he was elected president of the UW, but he abandoned this position after the defeat of UW parliamentary elections September 2001 - with 3.3 per 100 votes, the party is below the 5 per clause 100. Following the entry of Poland into the EU in May 2004 he was elected to Parliament and sits on the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) in the center of the chessboard European policy.

Bronislaw Geremek returns on its route to intellectual committed to fracture. Poland from communism to democracy (1991) and the Historian and Policy (1999).

Conference on Marc Bloch B. Geremek
This article is the text of the conference would have to pronounce the Polish historian Bronislaw Geremek, a medievalist at the conference Marc Bloch in 1986, who closed the conference dedicated to 100th anniversary of the birth of Marc Bloch. In the absence of its author, stopped by the Polish situation to go to Paris, Jacques Le Goff, who read the text. Bronislaw Geremek was adviser to Lech Walesa and Foreign Minister of Poland (1997-2000).


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