Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Difference Between Perennialism And Essentialism



May we live announcement
Eliyahu Hanavi the imminent arrival of Moshiach
, which will permanently end our exile.

Elijah resurrects the widow's son of Sarepta
Gustave Dore

Prophet of Israel from the ninth century before our era

In the book of Kings we read: Elijah said to Elisha: "Expresses me your wish, what can I do for you before I am taken ? "... They went on their way conversation, when suddenly a fiery chariot drawn by horses of fire separated them from each other and Elijah ascended to heaven in a whirlwind

Let us put his time Ahab son of Omri was a great king, but by his marriage with Jezebel daughter of King Tsidon, he ran the kingdom of Israel into idolatry
The main opponent of the king was the prophet Elijah: their clashes were dramatic and often more than once the prophet was forced to flee from the wrath of Ahab and Israel.
On Mount Caramel Elijah provoked a confrontation with the 450 priests of Baal and brought out to light the power of Dr. Israel.

report the event:
The drought has been raging for three years. OF Elijah then ordered to return to Ahab to announce that the rain would fall again on the country. When she arrived with Ahab, the latter received him with these words: "Here you are scourge of Israel." But do Eliyahu not allow himself to disturb - The scourge of Israel this is not me, but you and your family, you who have forsaken the commandments of D 'to follow Baal - But I'm here for another purpose: "Gather the people on Mount Caramel and convene the 450 priests of Baal and 400 prophets of Asherah maintained by Jezebel.

Ahab summoned the people and priests on Caramel. Eliyahu asked the priests of Baal to begin. They killed a bull, the dépecèrent, placed him on an altar and cried to Baal from morning until noon, but in vain they danced before the altar. Elijah mocked them: "Call louder," he said, Baal may have concerns or business deal, perhaps he is traveling or sleep there, he wakes up "The priests of Baal continued incantations. They taillardèrent the flesh, according to their custom, until the hour of the evening sacrifice.

Then Eliyahu said to approach the people, he straightened the altar of D 'that was destroyed, taking twelve stones, according to the number of the tribes of Israel. He placed the wood and the bull, cut into pieces, was completed three times four jugs of water and poured them on the altar until the water overflowed and filled the trough dug around the altar. The Prophet then prayed
D ': "Lord of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, must be known today that you are D' in Israel that I am your servant and that your order, I have accomplished all this. Hear me Lord Hear me, that this people may know that you Lord D '.

At these words, the celestial fire burst forth, devouring both the holocaust, wood, altar and water. The people fell to their knees and cried: "the eternal IS THAT IS - IS the eternal WHICH IS "Then rushing on pagan prophets, the people led them to the torrent of Kichon and put to death. forum

But who is Eliyahu Hanavi! By Yona
Rabbi of Cagnes sur Mer, Collelman

At each end of Shabbat, the faithful gather around the rabbi who is preparing to make Havdalah and all members of the house gather around the father family, and all joyfully sing in chorus: "Eliyahu Hanavi, Eliyahu Hanavi, Eliyahu Hanavi, Biméra Yavo Elénou im Mashiach Ben David." Translation: "Eliyahu Hanavi (b) come to us quickly the Messiah son of David. " The prophet
Eliahou1 is so steeped in tradition as the prophet who will announce the coming of the Messiah. All kinds of stories circulating on the famous character, the testimony of Wise or laymen who have received assistance are legions
... ... Why such enthusiasm for the Prophet?
In the First Book of Kings, Eliyahu Hanavi is presented simply as "the Tichbite Eliyahu, one of those who settled in Gilad." Rashi explains that it is so called because from a region called "Toshev. It
is therefore impossible to determine the tribe Eliyahu based solely on the text. Two sources indicate
Midrashic also two different versions as to its origin. One says that it is the tribe of Binyamin3. The other announces dramatically, "Eliyahu Pinchas it! The
Ralbag (14th century) and Abrabanel (15th century), two major Bible commentators, both demonstrate the truth of that assertion.
Consider the main points of their explanations:
- Chronologically, Eliyahu Pinchas and can they be the same person?
It is said about Pinchas qu'Ha-Chem concluded with him a "covenant of peace." And it is stated in Malachi the benefit of this alliance: "My covenant with him was a sign of life and peace" 6. Pinchas has received a "life"
extra, that is to say an extended lifespan.
Other sources corroborate this interpretation, since Pinchas found alive, many years later, tribes from acting as a mediator when disputes arise between them. Finally, at the time of David, almost 400 years after the onset of Pinchas Ben Elazar
in the Desert, it is mentioned in the Book of Chronicles as a troop leader of Bnei Israel!
From the detailed study of individual books of the Bible, there would be no objection to the statement above timeline of our sages: "Eliyahu Pinchas it." Since Pinchas enjoyed a longer life than normal
through the "Peace Alliance" that contracted with Ha-Shem, it is quite possible that he lived until the time of the Kings, when Elijah lived.
- Eliyahu How could it "back from the dead" to contact the living?
The text of the Second Book of Kings shows qu'Eliahou not die like other men. He did not die before being buried, but Ha-Shem took him up to heaven in a tourbillon9. Later, when qu'Eliahou is supposed to have disappeared from this world, a letter written on his hand reaches the King of Judah Ben Yéoram Yéochafat, to announce a calamity following the misdirection of his reign. The
Ralbag firmly demonstrates that prediction came true-that-could not be written during the lifetime of Eliyahu Hanavi, for the King Yéoram was not yet on the throne. But a prophet can not predict the punishment for the misconduct of a person before it does commit, because it would undermine a foundation of the Torah: the principle of Free Will!
Therefore, it would be wrong to say qu'Eliahou Hanavi "back from the dead to speak to the living," since it is not really dead! But what merit
Eliyahu can claim to enjoy this incredible? Rabbi Elie Munk
in The Voice of Torah explains qu'Eliahou-as-Pinchas has perfectly combined his zeal for Ha-Shem, he gave vent to several times with his love of Israel. Indeed, when the Bnei Israel turned from God by serving the idolatrous worship of Baal, he did not hesitate to defy the false prophets of this Avodah Zara and then to enforce them to permanently destroy the evil. But let's not forget that this zealot is the same as that begged Ha-Shem, some time ago, to make it back to life the son of a widow in distress ...
... "And it is this role qu'Eliahou assume at the end of time
as a precursor of the Messiah, bringing the hearts of children
those of their parents. "(Rabbi Munk).


Elijah arose, a prophet like fire,
His word, like a torch burning.
He sent against them the famine.
For his zeal he diminished their number.
By the word of the Lord, he closed the sky.
Similarly, it took three times down the fire.
As you were glorious, Elijah, by thy wonders
Who could claim to be like you?
You who did raise a corpse from death,
of Hades, by the word of the Most High.
You who hurled into ruin kings, glorious
men out of their beds.
you who heard the criticism at Sinai, at Horeb
decrees punishment
Thou sacred kings for retribution,
prophets to be your successors.
You who were abducted in the whirlwind of fire,
in the chariot horses of fire.
You who were appointed in time for blame,
to appease the anger fury before,
to bring the heart of the father to the son,
to restore the tribes of Israel.

saw you in love and fell asleep!
As surely as we live! "

Ben Sira (48.1 to 11)


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