Friday, July 18, 2008

Ontario Homemade Trailer




"In the void of thought that fits the evil"

"The Third World is not a reality but an ideology. " - From lying to violence

"If you manage to appear before the others as you would be, that's all you can require the judges of this world." - Excerpt from On Revolution

"Progress and catastrophe are the obverse and reverse of the same coin."

"Love Life is easy when you're abroad. Where nobody knows you, you hold your life in your hands, you are master of yourself more than at any time. "- Rahel Varnhagen

" To be confirmed my identity I depend entirely on others. "

Hannah Arendt (1906-1975)
A political theorist
Refuting the word" philosopher "because it works
men rather it should prepare a reflection
on Man, Hannah Arendt was one of the most intellectual
views From the early 1950s.
first woman to teach at Princeton University,
is on the question of the nature of politics and political life
as a human activity highly specific
it hired its reflection in the strongest

Heidegger and Karl Jespers
· Born in Hanover October 14, 1906, Hannah Arendt comes from an assimilated Jewish family. Raised in Königsberg (Kaliningrad since 1946), she studied theology at Berlin University and philosophy at the University of Marburg. She met Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) with whom she develops an intellectual passion and sentimental (1925).
• After his break with the philosopher, she became a student of Edmund Husserl (1859-1938) in Freiburg im Breisgau and Heidelberg, Karl Jaspers (1883-1969) under whom she is writing her thesis on the Concept of Love in St. Augustine (published in 1929).
· With the rise of Nazism, Hannah Arendt is involved in the Zionist organization of Kurt Blumenfeld. Arrested by the Gestapo, she eventually released and managed to flee to Paris with Günther Stern (Anders) with whom she is married since 1929. During his exile in Paris she became friends with Walter Benjamin (1892-1940) and Raymond Aron (1905-1983). She divorced in 1939 and married in January 1940 Heinrich Blücher, too old refugee from Germany and Spartacus.

Gurs New York
· May 1941 after being detained at Camp Gurs, she joined the United States and settled in New York until the end of the war. It contributes to the magazine Aufbau and conducts research for the Commission on the reconstruction of European Jewish culture.
° 1944: she began writing her first major work, The Origins of Totalitarianism, which will published in 1951, the year she obtained U.S. citizenship. From 1955 she taught at Columbia, Princeton, Berkeley, the University of Chicago, and from 1967 until his death at the New School for Social Research
New York.

The Origins of Totalitarianism
· Influenced by Heidegger's phenomenology, the work of Hannah Arendt thrives on close reading of Aristotle, St. Augustine, Kant, Nietzsche and Jaspers. His thought does not come as a philosophical system but focuses on key themes and totalitarianism, revolution, freedom, thinking and judging. She relentlessly interrogates the policy and its guiding concept, action, and to his philosophical contemplation of
· Hannah Arendt is famous mainly for The Origins of Totalitarianism (1951), a work which emphasizes the conditions which make impossible the viability of public life. Terror appears as an end in itself, by calling
historical determinism (communism) or the nature and the inevitable war between the "chosen people" and "degenerate races" (Nazism).
· It then maintains a thorough reflection on the human condition in condition of modern man (1958). She develops the distinction between private and public, understood as political space of appearance, between what is in production and what is the action. It detects and in public life at work and reduced consumer behind the purely political manager.

Eichmann in Jerusalem
· In 1963, Essay on the Revolution shows that the American and French revolutions marked the ultimate failure
to establish a political space in which deliberation, decision and coordinated action can be exercised. Published the same year, Eichmann in Jerusalem, Report on the Banality of Evil (1963), which aroused great controversy, marks the passage of questioning the nature of political action than the ability to think and act: "The problem of good and evil, the ability to distinguish what is right and what is evil, be they related to our ability to think? .
• Finally, the relationship between Acting and Thinking is addressed in The Life of the Mind, published posthumously. Of the three original parties, only the first two were published: The thought and will. At his death Hannah Arendt worked to the last, Judgement. Ethical development of his vision of history and politics, this book is somehow the will "philosophical" Hannah Arendt. Akadem

PIERRE Bouretz
Hannah Arendt and Zionism: Cassandra
with feet of clay

At the time of the centenary of the death of Theodor Herzl July 3, 1904 and in a context of controversy about his legacy This article examines the position of Hannah Arendt vis-à-vis Zionism, its meaning and its posterity. Having been engaged for ten years in the Zionist movement, Arendt broke with him in 1944 by developing a critique of its policy and its vision of history. Although it was very isolated at that time, there are now some of his arguments in speeches advocating a revisionist perspective on the foundations and history of the State of Israel between two perspectives: post-Zionist or anti-Zionist.
Before Zionism, Arendt has played the role of Cassandra, but maybe a Cassandra with feet of clay. cairn


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