Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Recovery Period For Plica




Rabbi Eleazar ben Azariah
"If there no Torah, there is no "Derech Heretic" ("Way of the earth", a term for various meanings: appropriate conduct, like everyone else, by way of man) and if there is no "Derech Eretz" he n 'There is no Torah. If there is no wisdom there is no fear of God if there is no fear of God, there is no wisdom. If there is no intelligence there is no knowledge and if there is no knowledge there is no intelligence. If there is no flour there is no Torah, if there is no Torah there is no flour. "

" Anyone whose wisdom is more greater than his works that is it comparable? At a tree whose branches are large and whose roots are small, then the wind comes and snatches. As he says, "and it will be like a lone tree in a land déséchée, and she will not see when good comes. It will remain on the ground in the parched desert, a salt land, uninhabited" (Jeremiah 17:6 ). But whose works are greater than his wisdom to whom is it comparable? At a tree whose branches are small and whose roots are deep, even though all the winds blew the world against him, they will not move from his place. For it is said, "and it will be like a tree planted on the water and into the flow of water it will spread its roots, and it will not heat come. Its leaves remain lush, a year of drought it does not care and it will continue to yield fruit "(17:8)."

The Talmud relates the appointment of Eleazar.

Thus, the second century, the greatest sages of Israel were to elect the leader of their Rabbinical Assembly (the Sanhedrin). They decided to appoint Rabbi Elazar ben Azariah, despite his young age (he was only 18). Before accepting the position the highest honor in the Jewish world, Rabbi Eleazar went home to visit his wife. She advised him not to accept the position, because no one would show him not all respect due to him because of his youth. He accepted his advice. The next day his hair had turned completely white. Seeing this, his wife told him that because of the change, he could now accept the post of head of the Sanhedrin. What Rabbi Eleazar ben Azariah fit.Ce was dEzra down to the tenth generation. lamed

It was the day when Gamaliel II was deposed, and, for example, the Treaty of Yadayim Mishnah reports that various decisions were taken in stride by Assembly decides on that memorable day.
But this coup, led by an unlikely alliance between Rabbis patrician family from Priests, Rabbis and plebeians, led mainly by Rabbi Akiba, does not lead to a final conditions for Rabban Gamaliel II operation, with his usual skill , to recover his seat fairly quickly.
While the young Rabbi Eleazar ben Azariah dEsdras down, became a kind of vice-president (Ab Bet Din).
It is highly likely that the Roman authorities have demanded the immediate return of Rabban Gamaliel to the Presidency of Sanhédin
However, despite these few negative examples, among else, of lAutoritarisme, both skillful and uncompromising, with whom Gamaliel II set up his power, it is undeniable that the oeuvre Yabneh performed under limpulsion, first from Yohanan ben Zakkai and Gamaliel II, was decisive for the posterity of the Jewish religion, and what constituted léquivalent dun rescue, finally succeeded, despite a sea horribly dismantled, and after a shipwreck in which everything seemed hopelessly sink, body and property. Jerusalem

Rabbi Elazar ben Azariah was born shortly before the destruction of the Temple of a wealthy family whose lineage dates back to Ezra. Her own fortune was colossal and he was to pay the Emperor 13,000 calves each year as impositions. When Rabbani
Gamaliel was deposed, that Rabbi Eleazar who was appointed in his place. When Rabbani
Gamaliel was deposed following his discussions with Rabbi Yehoshua, Rabbi Elazar is that, despite his young age - he was 18! - Was appointed in his place, so great was his knowledge and intelligence. He told of a mission to Rome along Rabbani as Gamaliel, Rabbi Yehoshua and Rabbi Akiva. He was a humble man despite its nobility and its position.

His explanations and lessons marveled that even Rabbi Yehoshua, a day when his students told him the instruction of Rabbi Elazar said: "I am 80 years old and I have never heard such an explanation! You can esteem you happy Our Patriarch Abraham, to have a descendant as Rabbi Elazar! she is rich and happy generation with such a master! " ('Hagiga 3). Rabbi Judah ha-Nasi, the officer of the Mishna Rabbi Elazar nicknamed "the stall of a peddler, as he had knowledge as varied as the merchandise was these hawkers. Rabbi Elazar

does not, however, remained long in the important position that he had procured the quarrel between Rabbani Gamliel and Rabbi Yehoshua. These two masters having reconciled, Rabban Gamaliel regained his rank, but Rabbi Elazar remained head of the Rabbinical Court.

When the Temple was destroyed Rabbi Elazar was still a child. Furthermore we find no mention of him in the insurrection which occurred in the year 132. It seems that he died before at a relatively young age. lamed


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