Thursday, July 17, 2008

Samples Of Church Welcome



A Sabin

The name is associated with the Albert Sabin oral polio vaccine he developed in the 1950s. Research virologist this does not, however, concentrated on immunization, he also studied the role of viruses in some cancers.

Sabin, Albert Bruce (1906-1993), Russian-born American virologist who developed an oral vaccine against poliomyelitis based on a strain of live virus.
Born in Bialystok, Sabin emigrated with his parents in the United States in 1921. He received his medical degree from the University of New York in 1931. After working for the Rockefeller Institute, he entered the University Children's Hospital and the Faculty of Medicine, University of Cincinnati. Sabin
devoted much of his life to research on vaccines against strains of polio virus crippled or killed many children. (See Immunization.)
will be remembered for the very serious epidemic that raged from 1942 to 1953. By the mid-1950s, he managed to obtain a strain of virus that does not cause paralysis of central nervous system in animals. The Sabin vaccine was attenuated and alive, unlike that developed by the physician and epidemiologist American Jonas Salk, who was a serum (injected) inactivated. The vaccine was successfully tested on Sabin and other volunteers, before undergoing a series of trials around the world between 1958 and 1960.
After 1961, Sabin concentrated his work on the role of viruses in cancer encarta

1956 - October 6

An oral vaccine against polio
Albert Sabin of the University of Cincinnati (State of Ohio) announces the development of an oral vaccine against polio. WHO now recommends the use of this vaccine, which unlike the vaccine developed by Jonas Salk in 1954, is prepared from a live virus inactivated. Polio has been eradicated from Western countries, but this is still so rampant in some twenty countries


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