Friday, July 18, 2008

Hair Styles For Indian Women




The wife of Rabbi Meir
ventured these words: "Right now,
Meir, a black grief overwhelms me, torturing me,
I need advice, you, strong creature,
You the man of reason. Rabbi, give it to me.
- Talk. - Here, she said, choking his emotion.
A stranger once, my hands candid
Remit, sacred trust, two beautiful diamonds set
And confident. Ten years have passed
And the two diamonds, admired, caressed,
threw in my heart pure and tender their radius.
I thought I would never have to make
And the thought of me in my naive love.
But alas, the stranger suddenly returned
Reclaim her jewels and ... I hesitate ... My master,
These diamonds darlings, should deliver it?
- Make them, make them, "shouted Rabbi amazed,
should not deprive the deposit said. "The courageous
mother told him:" Look, "Discovering
his son dead, diamonds in his custody:
" Look on the bed, my beloved husband,
I paid the deposit that God called me . "Georges de Porto

Beruriah (? -170)

It's not very often that you find the name of a woman mentioned in the Talmud. This is the name of the great and Tannaim Amoraim, teachers of our people, which is usually found in the Talmud.De time to time, however, we encountered a large Jewish woman whose wisdom, piety, inspires us. One of the largest of these women is Beruriah.

Beruriah lived about a hundred years after the destruction of the Second Beth Hamikdash, about 1800 years ago. It is not surprising that she was one of those wise, because she was the daughter of Rabbi ben Chananiah Teradion, who was one of the "Ten Martyrs" that the Romans killed because he spread the teachings of the Torah among Jews.

Beruriah was not only the daughter of a great man but also the wife of a great sage, Rabbi Meir the holy one of the leading masters of the Mishna.

The Talmud tells many stories about Beruriah. Unlike other women she studied three hundred issues "Halacha (Jewish law) every day, which would be quite a feat for a male scholar who has spent all his time studying. For example, the sages had different opinions on the law of clean and has asked its opinion Beruriah. Rabbi Judah debate with her and recognized his authority.

There was another case where there was a dispute between his brother and Beruriah. Rabbi Simeon ben Teradion One of the greatest authorities were asked to judge the case and he said: "Rabbi Chananiah Beruriah daughter is wiser than his son, Rabbi Simon. "

Beruriah was well versed in the Scriptures and could quote from them with ease. To illustrate what his character was as we said the following in the Talmud:

Beruriah had a sister who was spared by the Romans and taken to the city of Antioch, where they wanted to force her to live a life of shame. She called her husband, Rabbi Meir, to take the big risk to go to Antioch and to save his sister . Not only succeeds Rabbi Meir was the release, but he also conducted a survey and managed to get witnesses, proving that his sister was remained pure, which, naturally, is very important for his future. It was necessary that everyone should flee Earth Sainte.Beruriah fled with her husband in his exile in Babylonia to share with him.

Another story showing the end of Beruriah character is telling neighbors that they were bad people, these thugs, Rabbi Meir continually bored. In his anger Rabbi Meir once prayed that God rid of those nasty parasites. Beruriah said softly: "The Psalmist said:" So away the sins of the earth. "You see, the word is sin, not sinners. We must pray for evil to disappear, then there will be no bad guys.

The most famous and most touching story of piety, wisdom and courage to Beruriah is the death of his two beloved son. It happened one Sabbath while Rabbi Meir was in the Beth Hamidrash, sudden illness that struck their children died.

Beruriah installs them in the bedroom and said nothing to anyone. After nightfall Rabbi Meir returned and asked for his son. Beruriah casually remark that they were out. She has quietly prepared the "Havdalah", the cup of wine, light, and spices. It also kept his attention occupied later, she has prepared and served with "Melaveh Malkah" dinner with a Jewish man who accompanies the departure of "Queen of the Sabbath." Then, after Rabbi Meir had finished eating, he Beruriah requested a response to the following problem:

"Some time ago, one thing stayed with me. Now, the owner returned to claim it. Do I make ?

"It's a very strange question indeed. How can anyone doubt the owner's right to reclaim what belongs to him?" Rabbi Meir s'étonnemnt exclaims.

She then directed her husband in the bedroom, where both their son reside in their eternal sleep. She removed the covers from their bodies. . Rabbi Meir, seeing his beloved son, and realizing that they have gone broke into bitter tears.

"My dear husband," said kindly Beruriah crying "Have not you said a moment ago that the owner is entitled to claim his property? God gave and took over, blessed be the name God. " chabad

"One day [Beruriah], in a tone of mockery, expressed his disdain about using (the saying) the wise" women are reckless "(Kiddushin 80 b, Shabbat 33b). Rabbi [Meir] replied: "Throughout your life, you affirm [certain of] these words. "
He then gave the order to one of his followers to try to seduce her. After several attempts, she died. When the fact was known to all, [Beruriah] committed suicide, and Rabbi Meir fled ashamed of his misfortune "(Rashi on Avodah Zara 18b). morim

approached Rabbi Simlai Rabbi Yohanan and said he wanted to study the Sefer Youhasin (the book of genealogy) and asked if he could do it in three months. The sage replied: "If Beruriah wife of Rabbi Meir and daughter of Rabbi ben Hananyah Teradyon, who studies daily with 300 rabbis, did not finish (to study) Sefer Yuhasin in three years, how do you hope to succeed him in 3 months? "(Talmud Babli - Pesahim 62 b)

Beruriah found a student who was studying in a low voice, she scolded, saying:" Is it is perhaps not written "Although everything and ordered well guarded "(II Samuel 23:5)? If the Torah is ordered in the 248 organs in your body, it will be safe (guarded) and will be preserved, and if it does not, it does will not be kept or preserved "(Erouvin 53 b-54 a).

At one occasion, Rabbi Yose the Galilean found her on the way and he asked "Where should we travel to arrive in Lida? , "To which she replied:" Galilean fool! The rabbis did not they say "Do not talk too much with women? (Mishnah Avot 1:5, b. Nedarim 20 a) You should have asked: "How often do we in Lida? "(Erouvin 53b)


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