Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Good Things To Write On Wedding Card



"Penicillin is probably the last organic molecule of biological origin have been analyzed using conventional methods of organic chemistry "

Nobel Prize Physiology or Medicine for" the discovery of penicillin and its curative effects of many infectious diseases "(with Florey and Fleming in 1945)

Chain, Ernst Boris (1906-1979), biochemist and German-born British pathologist, born in Berlin, a student at the university of that city, he was awarded the Nobel Prize. His Jewish roots forced him to emigrate to England in 1933 after Hitler came to power. He began research on enzymes in Cambridge and Oxford, where he collaborated with Sir Howard Walter Florey pathologist to study the production of antibiotics by fungi. In 1941, he managed to produce small-scale penicillin. In 1950, Chain worked at the Higher Institute of Health in Rome, and in 1961 he was appointed professor of biochemistry at the University of London. In 1945, Chain shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with Florey and British bacteriologist Sir Alexander Fleming. encarta

Where does penicillin?
by Philippe Chartier

Penicillin is an antibiotic derived from a mold called Penicillium notatum. His discovery was made quite by accident. In 1928, the British bacteriologist Alexander Fleming (1881-1955) discovers that his crops were contaminated by bacteria. Instead of just throwing it takes time to observe. He then noted that a mold had killed the bacteria with which it entered contact. Only 10 years later, Howard Florey and Ernst Chain succeed in isolating the substance of the mold with anti-bacterial.

The clinical use of penicillin in the 1940s begin, when will know how to produce large quantities of mold. Penicillin will save thousands of lives during the Second World War and it remains one of the most powerful and most useful antibiotics used in medicine. In 1945, Alexander Fleming, Howard Florey and Ernst Chain receive the Nobel Prize for revolutionizing the treatment of infectious diseases through the use of antibiotics

Introduction to the study medication: Slide


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